Freya: "everyone out. Now!"

The room clears quickly leaving Sif and Freya

Freya: "darling"

She rushes over to Sif's side

Freya: "darling what happened?"

She sees that most of Sif's left arm is gone

Freya: "what happened?"

Sif: "when we were in battle, I was attacked from behind and I couldn't react in time. I do not remember much...I remember Fandral picking me up and then I, I cannot remember"

Freya: "I am glad you made it out"

Sif nods as Freya kisses her

Sif: "I want to go to our bedroom...I do not want to stay in here"

Freya: "of course darling"

Sif: "I do not want others to see me like this"

Freya: "of course"

Freya looks around and sees a blanket folded up on top of a medical bench. She grabs the blanket as Sif sits up from the bed

Freya: "here"

The blonde woman wraps the blanket over her wife

Freya: "come"

Sif stands up from the bed and both women make their way out of the infirmary to their bedroom

Servant: "your majesty-"

Freya: "not now, I will be with you later in the day, not at the moment"

Both women continue to walk down the long halls of the palace until they reach their bedroom. Freya opens the door and shuts it once the both of them are inside the room

Freya: "do you need anything?"

Sif shakes her head

Sif: "I just want to rest, please" 

Freya: "of course my love, do you need anything else?"

Sif shakes her head

Sif: "I need to use the bathroom"

She rushes over to the bathroom and Freya sighs. Freya stands in the middle of the bedroom not knowing what to do

A knock can be heard coming from the door

Freya: "I said that I wished to not be bothered!"

Valkyrie: "Freya, 'tis me"

Freya: "come in Valkyrie

The door opens

Valkyrie: "how is she?"

Freya: "not doing well"

Valkyrie: "what happened?"

Freya shakes her head at her best friend

Freya: "I do-"

They both hear a loud noise coming from the bathroom

Freya: "oh no"

She rushes into the bathroom to see Sif on the ground

Freya: "darling, what happened?"

Freya: "I just wanted to change. After I finished changing into my night garments, I slipped on my gown and fell"

Freya: "I will clean all of this up. Get some rest"

She kisses Sif's forehead. Sif nods and walks out of the bathroom as Freya cleans up the bathroom. Once she finishes, she walks out of the bathroom to see Sif laying in bed

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