Chapter 97 "Scared?"

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Jessica: Our food will be here in 20 minutes. We can rest and talk about the case until we eat

Iron Fist: Do we have to talk about it here?

Jessica: This is the best option Spider is feeling right now

Danny felt movement from Peter who removed his head from his shoulder and freed his hand from Danny. Moving forward with his hands on the table and playing with a loose thread on his gloves.

Spider-Man: I'm fine. Johnny made his choice and...I'm used to this so let's talk more seriously. Starting with, what the hell were you doing at the building?

All eyes crawled towards Carlos. Their glares fixated on his stunned expression and formed a trembling smile, his words shaking.

Carlos: Oh Spidey~ Don't tell me that you don't trust me, I didn't want to cause any trouble-

Spider-Man: Why? Were. You. There?

Carlos felt the most damage and impact from Peter's predatory glare, his forced smile dying and pouting as he finally gave up his quiet act and confessed.

Carlos: I was there because...I knew you were going to show up...

Danny slowly moved his eyes towards Peter for his response as Jessica threw her head down the table out of cringe when seeing Carlos's reddened face.

Spider-Man: And why did you expect I would show up?

Carlos gaped at the cold response and could only cover his face with his hand, his voice lowering with embarrassment.

Carlos: Come're- Spider-Man...why wouldn't you appear in the building? Despite everything you wouldn't...ignore something like this...if it meant helping someone...right?

Haa. Peter could only shake his head in disappointment. This kid was right. They were there because Peter choose to go back to the restaurant and look for clues that would help in Danny's and Ava's situation. Despite wanting to bring some good to both of them, it still ended with losing a was reckless to even think about going back. If he went back on his own, then he would've been met with Tombstone and his new henchmen. Maybe...Johnny knew this. He was determined to take him to the restaurant himself and stay with him until Peter got what he needed.

A choked chuckle left Peter's mouth from the thought. Johnny is...more considerate and worrisome about him than he thought. It was admirable.

Spider-Man: That's true. Whether that's the real reason or not...I'm thankful for all the help you've done so far

Carlos nodded when sensing the smile that Peter was giving him. Wanting the moment to end, Jessica involved herself and slammed her hand down on the table that shook from the impact. Brings unnecessary attention from everyone aside from the three boys.

Jessica: What do we do with the drugs?

Iron Fist: Jessica. Must you bring that issue up now?

Jessica: Why wouldn't I? This box is the reason for everything that happened today no?

Iron Fist: But did you have to announce it in a restaurant and disturb others' lunch? There's a time and place for that conversation that isn't now

Jessica: Then what other topic should we talk about aside from the drugs? Do we talk about Hothead turning himself in for a dumb mistake he did last night?

Carlos: Arghhh...Did you have to ruin the mood by bringing him up? The entire world is talking about him already, I don't want you talking about it too especially since it was so recent

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