chapter eleven: the prophecy

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                                                                           THREE WEEKS LATER


  Things have actually been really calmed these few weeks. Hazel is now the only other person who knows about the baby. We haven't told anyone else, though I'm sure Chiron suspects something. Will has been spending every waking moment caring for Annabeth, finally going full doctor on us. Annabeth has been coming out more often, and she's fighting a little less to eat things. Things are really calm, and it terrifies me. 

  Me, Will, and Hazel have become Annabeth's posse of sorts. She says she hates it, but secretly I think that she likes it. Everywhere she goes one of us acts as her shadow, making sure she's safe. Everyone else must be confused by our sudden interest in her, but Annabeth asked that we not tell them about the baby just yet, so we let them stay confused. 

  After dinner one night we gathered around the campfire, and It glowed brightly with our singing. Next to me I could see the ghost of a smile on Annabeth, and it filled my heart to see it, but then Rachel surged toward the front of the campfire. People scrambled to catch her before she inevitably collapsed. they eased her onto the three-legged stool just as the green mist started protruding from her open mouth, and I knew that calm of these weeks was gone.

                                                          Mother to be of the sea,

                                                        bring dark and light as a company.

                                                           To the coldest parts, 

                                                         prepare for broken hearts.

                                                           Find what was never known to be lost,

                                                         but beware of the cost.

 Rachel collapsed and was set to rest by the fire. My heart sunk into my stomach as everyone started chattering in confusion.

  "Mother to be of the sea? who in Gaia is that supposed to be?"

  "Dark and light? How are we supposed to bring light and dark on a quest?"

  " Maybe it means Hades and Apollo kids?"

  "The coldest parts. Maybe it means Antarctica? Or maybe Alaska?"

  "But who's meant to lead the quest?"

  Chiron pounded his hooves against the marble floor, and everyone stopped talking. I glanced at Annabeth, and I could see the tears she was fighting to keep inside. Chiron's gaze fell on her as well, and his eyes filled with pity and sadness.

  " Annabeth, do you accept this quest?" More murmurs filled the silence.

  Annabeth lowered her head as someone from the Apollo cabin stood up. 

  " Why does Annabeth get to lead, she isn't from either Apollo's or Hade's cabin?"

Annabeth raised her gaze to meet Chiron's, and they did one of their famous silent conversations. He gave her a supportive nod, and with a sigh, she stood and everyone went silent again. Her eyes were closed and I could see her breathing turn ragged. I reached up and grabbed her hand into mine. She looked down at me and I squeezed her fingers, pushing her to continue.

   She lowered her eyes to her feet in shame, " I'm pregnant."

  The entire camp exploded with gasps of shock. The fire turned black, but only grew larger. Some people came to comfort her, telling her how sorry they were, and that they were there for her if she needed anything. Others just sat there in their surprise. I stayed next to her, and she gripped my hand tighter. Once everyone had settled enough for him to be heard, Chiron spoke.

  " You will need two others to join you, my dear."

  Annabeth glanced at me than at Will, and we both nodded. 

  " I want to take Nico and Will." 

  Chiron cleared his throat. "Do you two accept?" We nodded. 

  "Very well, you leave tomorrow at dawn. If I'm right about the prophecy then I would have you pack warmly, especially you Annabeth. Now, I think that is enough for one night, of to bed all of you." 

  Everyone filed out to their cabins, although I'm sure very few actually went to sleep.


  I didn't sleep at all that night. I knew I should've, but I could barely close my eyes without having a panic attack. 

  Just before dawn everyone met at the road to say their goodbyes. My siblings insisted on helping me pack, and I could barely carry the heavy pack out the door. Then just as I was stepping out of the threshold of my cabin I felt a bought of morning sickness, I dropped my bags, and rushed back in to a toilet just in time for me to empty my stomach. 

  By the time I made it to the white van waiting to take me, and my friends to a station, I was the last one there. I was wrapped in hugs and tearful goodbyes, until finally everyone had finished, and we stumbled into the van. Argus started the vehicle and started to drive away from my home. I turned and looked behind me, already feeling my heart get heavy with home-sickness. I let tears finally fall down my cheek, telling myself it was just my hormones. ———————————



( hey I'm back! Hope this was worth the wait! this took way too long to get out. I'm sorry, and I hope this finds y'all well :) hope you enjoy chapter eleven, and have an amazing day!!!!)


                                                                             Word count:882

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