Chapter Thirty Two | The Portraits

Start from the beginning

"Yes leave!" Drishti yelled after him angrily "She doesnt need you! She has four more husbands to take take care of her and especially me!"

"Drishti!" Draupadi exclaimed scoldingly at her. Drishti turned to Draupadi furiously "What? What's the matter with him? Is this how he should react about taking care of you? He is a walking red flag, I swear. And why does he acts that way everytime I open my mouth. I try to ignore it all by being mature but have you ever looked at him, he is really a devil!"

"Okay! Okay! Calm down, Drishti, he's gone-" Krishna attempted.

"As he should!" Drishti snapped.

"Drishti please, you are making me feel dizzy righ now, please stop yelling." Draupadi said sitting back down defeated causing Drishti to halt abruptly and rush towards her worriedly "Oh my god, I am sorry."

"Its alright, you worry too much for me." Draupadi said with a weak smile internally worried if she'll have to hear equally from Yudhistir too.

"I always will." Drishti smiled clasping their hands together. Krishna clapped with an impressed smile behind them "What friendship! Draupadi and Drishti - DrauDri!"

The three burst out laughing. Drishti had alright taught him to adjoin names that way whenever she talked ahout her favourite couples.


"Your nose is abnormally large." Dushasan commented towards Drishti who had been sitting for more than an hour with Dushala while two artists painted portraits of them on the wish of Gandhari, who asked Drishti to sit too as she wishes to conduct one swayamvar in Hastinapur and that could be Drishti's, while Dushala's portrait would be kept as a memory after she is gone.

"My nose is just fine! Get out of here!" Drishti hissed irritated, not used to being seated this long without moving at all. She turned to the painter and asked "Isn't my nose perfect, sir? Tell him that!"

"Dont worry, I will make your nose look smaller in the portrait." The painter said and Dushasana burst into a loud laughter, Drishti gawked at him while Dushala could be seen trying extremely hard to suppress her laughter.

"What is going here Dushasan? What are you doing here?" Duryodhan along with his gang, asked on entering.

"Do you also wish for a swayamvar for yourself?" Drishti asked teasingly.

"I always knew something was wrong with you." Ashwathama commented dejectedly at Dushasan causing the other to burst into fits of chuckles.

"I was just making sure the artists here are working properly." Dushasan reasoned. Drishti firmly denied "He is just too lazy to work so he came here and having the snacks which were for me and Dushala!"

"Excuse me you ungrateful girl, I am here standing helping the poor artist who is painting you, do you know how difficult it is paint that crooked face of yours? You just cant sit still, look at Dushala she is barely making any nuisance." Dushasan lectured and everybody shook their heads. Both him and Drishti fought like cats and dogs.

"I am actually facing probelms." The artist painting Drishti spoke causing her to glare at him with a clenched jaw that he looked away terrified of her gaze.

"Who hired you? You are fired!"

"Shant, Drishti." Duryodhan stopped her calmly from launching herself with a knife at the scared artist.

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