flowers are nice, arent they? .d

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My eyes were closed. A soft breeze played around with my hair and skin, making me smile softly.

I felt the sweet tickle of flowers all around me as the wind blew pollen in strange patterns that lay unseen by the naked eye. It effected my allergies slightly, but I didn't mind. It was nice.

I opened my eyes as I heard footsteps near my head.

Adonis looked down at me with a soft smile. "Hi, having fun?"

I giggled and smiled up at him as he appeared upside down and nodded. "Lay with me!"

He jokingly thought about it for a moment. "Hmm, I don't know.. I sure have a lot of work to do.."

I rolled my eyes playfully and tugged his arm, making him lay next to me.

I looked up at the sky once more, the fluffy clouds swirling together and looking oh so tempting for me to touch. If only.

"You just made me move so you could look at the sky." Adonis glared at me as I turned my head to look at him.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I would never."

Adonis smiled and shook his head, turning to look with me.

He sighed, closing his eyes softly as I observed him. During the time I've got to known Adonis, I've noticed just how soft he is. He loves nature and puppies and me and blankets and- I don't know. How cute can he get?

"Are you watching me?" He smirked playfully, opening his eyes again to stare back at me.

I smiled sheepishly and nodded, making him chuckle.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest, making me halfway lay on top of him.

"Doni." I whined. "People are gonna see."

"See what? Me loving my baby?" He cocked his brow and looked down at me.

I buried my face in his chest and sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed my head softly.

I heard another pair of footsteps approach, before a heavy thud landed on the grass beside us.

"Hey, lovers." Matty spoke, his thick english accent making me smile already since I know how this is going to turn out. "How's the weather? Sexy?"

I laughed, moving my head from Adonis' chest. "Hi, Matty."

"Hi, Daisy-doo." He replied with a smile, putting his hands behind his head. "Oh, and hi freckle man."

Adonis grumbled out a reply quietly and didn't really say anything afterwards. I smiled down at him, kissing his cheek and watching as a light rosy color adorned it shortly after.

I smiled widely and he glared at me, making me giggle again and I made a zipping mouth motion.

"Daisy." Matty whined out softly, tugging me down from Adonis so that I was laying in between both men. "Look at that one." He pointed up at a cloud that kinda looked like a car.

"Woah. Nice find." I said, marveling at how the sky could effortlessly be anything it ever wants to be.

Matty, like an attention starved child, pointed out multiple clouds for a while as he just tried to make me listen to him, of which I did. Adonis kept his arms wrapped securely around me as I giggled, finally feeling free around my friends.

We all eventually got up, and Matty laughed at the grass and flowers that were stuck in my hair.

I jokingly glared at him, but covered my mouth as a laugh escaped once he turned around.

"Matty, you have grass stains all over your jeans!" I giggled out as he turned the upper half of his body, trying to look at the lower half.

Adonis smiled and rolled his eyes as Matty flailed but eventually he calmed down once he realized he can't really do anything about it.

"Let's just go eat before- or until- I have a mental breakdown." Matty sighed.

I ran over to Adonis' car quickly and hopped into the passenger's seat.

Matty was the second to get there and he glared at me. "Rude! I wanted shotgun." He grumbled.

Adonis got in the driver's side not long after and started the engine. "Where did you wanna eat at, again?" He cocked his brow at Matty.

"IHOP. Obviously. Where else would we eat around here?" Matty sassed.

We got to the place Matty suggested and went inside. We've all been to at least one before, so it was nothing super surprising.

I picked a booth by the corner and Adonis sat next to me, Matty sliding in front of us.

Not long after, a waiter came up to us with a notepad.

"Hey, my name's Patrick and I'll be your waiter for today! What drinks can I get you started with today?"

As Matty told him his drink, I tapped Adonis softly.

He looked down at me. "Hm?"

"C-Could you order for me?" I asked shyly.

He smiled, nodding. "'Course, baby."

"And what can I get you two?" Patrick turned to our side.

"Coffee and Chocolate Milk, please." Adonis answered.

"Perfect! I'll be right back with your drinks."

The time passed quickly and I could tell everyone had fun. Matty was getting more bold with his statements to Adonis and Adonis laughed a lot more and didn't seem as bothered by them anymore. And as for me, I think it's pretty self-explanatory if I said that I laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose.


Hi :)

I got a new phone like last month so it's kind of hard to get used to editing on here, so sorry if there's any mistakes!

this is also pretty short, so sorry again if you're bothered by that. this was mainly sort of a filler type thing? except more of just a thing I wanted to get out so I don't leave anyone hanging if you were waiting on a new chapter :)

i love you, my frendz <3


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