fall .d

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"Have fun at school, hun." My mom smiled at me as I left through the front door. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" I said, running down the street and towards my school.

After yesterday, when Adonis... kissed me...more than once... I fell asleep on him on my couch. I can't believe I would do that! I know I'm not a pretty sleeper, I bet he knew it too. I found out later from my mom that he carried me to my room after a while and fell asleep with me for a few hours.

But after all that, he left me a note saying he had to go because of work. I was sad, I'll admit. But he said he'll be back to pick me up from school like usual!

I was excited but nervous to see him today. I mean, he kissed me! Multiple times!

Oh boy, okay I was really excited.

I went into the school building quickly, wanting to get today over with.

I ran to my locker, grabbing my few books and went off to my first period.


Nothing interesting happened today yet. 4th period was already over and nobody bothered me all day, which I was happy for.

I walked down the hall to go to my 5th class, when I suddenly tripped. I gasped and fell on my knees, scraping them on the rough carpet that floored the school.

I looked back when I heard snickering above me, and it was Megan and Ryker.

"Watch where you're going next time." Ryker smirked.

I tried getting up but Megan pushed me back down, scraping my knees even more. My legs hurt really bad and tears were staring to form in my eyes.

"Aw, baby gonna cry?" Megan mocked. "No wonder that guy doesn't like you. You're such a baby." She rolled her eyes.

I sniffled before slowly getting up again, and surprisingly they let me.

"We'll be back." Megan snapped. "You're lucky class starts soon." They walked off after that.

I was about to go into the bathroom and clean my cuts but the bell rang. I'll just do it later.


It was a pain getting to my classes while my knees hurt but I could never get a long enough break to clean them yet. It was already 7th period and I'd finally decided to look down at them to see the damage. I wish I hadn't.

There was dried blood everywhere, all over painful cuts and scrapes. It looked like a horror scene and I couldn't help but grimace in disgust and pain.

The bell rang and I considered finally going to clean my knees in the bathroom, but I'd keep Adonis waiting.

I also didn't want him to be worried when he saw all the blood but I just hoped he wouldn't say anything so I could move on from my day.

I walked out of the building after a few minutes and already found Adonis waiting for me in his usual spot, right in front of the school near my usual tree spot.

I watched and walked slowly as he looked around until his face turned to me, his sunglasses shining in the sunlight.

I blushed and he took them off, his worried eyes trained on me, then to my knees.

When I finally made it to him he grabbed my arm gently.

"What happened to your knees?" He asked confused.

"I- Um," I spoke, but he cut me off.

"Did you fall? Did someone push you? I swear to god I'll beat their ass--"

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