brother .d

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"hi Adonis" I sniffled softly into the phone.

"What's wrong baby?" He sounded worried.

"Nuffin, I just missed you."

"Oh, sunshine. I told you I'd see you in at most 20 minutes. Can't you wait just a little longer?" He sighed softly.

"But you've been gone so long!" I whined.

"Don't get an attitude with me, I'll be back soon I swear."

"hmmkay, bye bye." I sighed.

"Bye bye."

As soon as he hung up the phone, I smacked my head down face first into my bed, making it sting a little.

I didn't care though, as my eyes were already stinging from holding back tears. I didn't wanna be a cry baby, I wanted to be strong.

I wanted to be a strong woman that Adonis would like, but I can't.

It's too unbearable without him and I always feel hurt inside when he has to go for a while.

I knew Adonis liked me already, as I am instead of as a strong person. I mean, he kissed ME. Of all people.

I just don't know if he finds me annoying or not. He's always the one calming me down and holding me during my breakdowns or when I'm overwhelmed. I wanna give him a break for once, but my emotions always get the best of me.

I sat up as I felt something wet on my cheek. Oh man, I already started crying!

This is exactly what I was talking about. Why would my body not listen to my head?

I rubbed and rubbed my cheeks and eyes as tears streamed out. The only noises that came from me were noises of frustration as I couldn't get the tears to stop.

At one point, I heard my door open but I couldn't see due to the tears.

I immediately knew who exactly it was when I was picked up from the armpits. It always hurt when people would pick me up from there.

It was Brayden. Everyone else knew not to touch me under the armpits unless I told them it was okay.

I struggled as he picked me up, I still wasn't comfortable with him as I only technically met him at dinner a few hours ago.

Adonis was on edge the whole time, constantly tensing up when Brayden would say something about me like old memories and such.

Mom didn't notice anything, she was crying for a while since she hasn't seen him for 8 years either. Apparently he left to join the army and wasn't able to contact us.

I'm not sure we had the best relationship when we were younger. All my memories consist of him being mean, like teasing me by taking my stuffed animals and yelling at me if I tried to get them back.

Brayden smiled at me from holding me up, still by under the armpits. I was still crying and I didn't think anyone else was in the house. Mom was out to the store and Adonis was gonna be home soon from work.

I really hoped he would be quicker.

"How've you been, little sister?" Brayden grinned as he walked down the stairs, STILL holding me out in front of him.

"Um.. o-okay I guess." I answered quietly and sniffed.

"Just okay? Couldn't handle it without your big bro, huh?"

I grimaced slightly. His fingers were digging into my arms and I was super uncomfortable. I didn't answer him either, I didn't know what to say. I definitely didn't miss him though.

"Who was that guy at dinner?" He asked suddenly.


"Adonis, right? He looked pretty strange, why was he here?" He cut me off.

"H-He's my-" I struggled before being cut off again.


I nodded slightly.

Brayden looked at me weirdly. "How old is he?"

"U-Uhm, 24."

"24?? Isn't that a little too old, I mean-"

That's when I heard the front door open. I looked to my right and wiggled to be let down. My eyes were still teary and red but I didn't care as Adonis moved towards me.

I wiggled and reached for him, but was moved away quickly. Brayden still had me out in front of him, which was good because I didn't wanna be any closer.

"What do you think you're doing?" Brayden said to me. "We were just talking about this."

I was confused, but continued to struggle against him as I knew Adonis was near the door. Not to mention how impatient that man was. But so was I, so it's okay.

I didn't wanna be held by Brayden any longer. I wanted Adonis.

Everyone knows I'll get really upset if I can't get to Adonis. Mom said something about me having separation anxiety, but I wasn't really listening.

I began to cry more as Brayden wouldn't let me go.

Adonis saw this and immediately came over to me.

He grabbed me softly from my brother and glared at Brayden as he tried to grab me again.

Adonis held me by my sides gently and sat me on his hip. He soothed my armpits slightly with his hands and a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked into my ear quietly.

I nodded against him as he wiped some of my tears away.

Adonis glared at Brayden once again before we left, going up to my room.

He shut my door kinda hard, but it didn't scare me as I knew he wasn't mad at me, but at the man downstairs.

I softly hummed against Adonis's shoulder, suddenly getting very tired.

Adonis sighed softly and laid us down on my bed yet again.

"Why were you crying?" He asked suddenly.

"missed chu" I said softly. "brayden hurt."

Adonis grunted. "I told you I'd be back soon." He hum laughed, but stopped once he remembered the second thing I said. "And he's a dick. He shouldn't have thought it was okay to pick you up."

I whined as I didn't wanna talk at the moment. I was so tired. I moved myself up Adonis's body and lightly laid my head below his.

He set his on mine and sighed. "Dormire, doll."

I didn't know what that meant, but I was too tired to ask. "night night, doni"

"Goodnight, baby."

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