Bullies .d

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"What are you d-doing..?" I asked worriedly as they slowly cornered me just as I was leaving the bathroom.

"Oh, nothing." Megan said as she.. lifted a heavy looking bucket?

"ugh this is too heavy. Peggy, you take it." She slowly pushed the bucket into Patricia- or, Peggy's arms. Peggy struggled to pick it up as well but carried it anyway.

Rebecca, my friend, kept me in the corner.

"What are we doing?" I asked quietly.

"Just shut up." She snapped. "You'll find out soon."

Why was she mad?

Once I looked back at the girls I was met with a sudden chill. I looked down as freezing water spilled on and around me. I shivered and looked up at them. "W-Why did y-y-you do that?" I involuntary stuttered as my teeth chattered.

They said nothing as they grabbed me by my arms and dragged me out of the room. "Stop. Please stop-"

I was stopped by a slap on the cheek, burning my face quickly from the freezing temperature I already was.

I sucked in a breath as I looked at the culprit, Rebecca.

They dragged me the rest of the way while looking out for teachers and cameras, and once they found the kitchen they smiled at me.

"Here we are." Megan said to me and stood me up.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked confused, freezing even more from the low temperature in the kitchen.

They didn't answer as Peggy went behind me and Rebecca went out to, I'm assuming, watch out for teachers.

I heard the freezer door open and my eyes widened. Within seconds, Megan shoved me backwards until I hit the floor. I looked around and I realized I fell in the freezer.

They took one more look at me before shutting the door and locking it, trapping me inside.

I panicked. I knew I might die in here if I stay too long. I looked around for anything to help maybe open the door but most of it was all food. My body temperature was dropping and I was getting more tired by the second. For a last thought, I remembered I had my phone with me!

I prayed to whatever gods above that it didn't slip out of my pocket when I fell down or it wasn't dead. Please, please, ple-

I gasped when I felt a hard flat surface and quickly pulled it out to see the screen flash at me. Yes!

I didn't think about who to call. I know I should've probably called the police, but I acted on instinct. I knew he would get here the fastest.

"Mm, hello?"

"Ad-donis!" I shivered.

"Daisy? Why are you chattering?" He said concerned. "It's 95 degrees outside, what are you-"

"The m-mean girls loc-cked me in a freeze-r." I interrupted. "It's so c-cold and I'm s-so tired."

"Oh baby, where are you?" He said worriedly. "Are you at your school?"

"Y-Yeah." I answered.

"Good girl. Stay on the phone with me, okay?" He said slowly but sounded to be walking faster.

"Ok-kay, Doni."

I heard him start his car and slowly closed my eyes.

"Baby?" He suddenly spoke.

I shot my eyes open and looked around. "Y-Yes?"

"W- How was your day before this?"

"Oh um i-it was alri-ight." I shivered. "T-Tiring, though."

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