soft spot! levi x injured reader

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hi! this wasn't a request just a good old fashioned levi being protective of y'all :) this is also unedited..heh..AND LASTLY i began my eddie munson x reader oneshot books for all my mutual stranger things lovers so pls give it some love!! kk enjoy, happy reading <3

"i would feel a lot better staying here with you." your grouchy, stout best friend explained. he was leaning against the doorframe of your room with his arms crossed, watching you from across the area. you simply huffed and matched his crossed armed position from your spot on the bed. "oh come on levi! i've been stuck on this bed for days, i'm so bored..all i'm asking is for you to go into town and get me some food." you whined in exasperation.

it was true. you were currently under strict orders from commander erwin to stay in bed for at least two weeks in order for your injured leg to heal. it was normal to sustain injuries being a soldier, but you were incredibly skilled-second only to levi himself- so you barely had gotten any injuries as bad as this one. sitting in bed staring at the ceiling all day and listening to yourself breathe was becoming terribly boring, and with levi being tasked to watch over you, the atmosphere seemed even more tense. he wouldn't even let you sit up; in worry of how bad your injury was.

what kind of best friend would he be if he wasn't concerned?

"tch. stop whining, you just ate a couple hours ago." levi reasoned in response. you groaned and burrowed yourself deeper under your fortress of solitude. well, more like fortress of hastily piled pillows and blankets.

"i mean REAL food levi. i want those blueberry scones from the corner bakery.." your mind trailed off at the thought. they were so buttery, so fluffy and light..filled with ripe blueberries and..

you groaned again, your tongue suddenly feeling extremely dry and your stomach panging with an uncomfortable ache. levi glanced at you through curious eyes, before ultimately sighing.

unbeknownst to you, levi could never disobey you directly- or your desires.

he sighed reluctantly- a quiet yet exasperated sound- before pushing himself off the wall and grabbing his coat. "don't move. i'll be back in a bit.." he trailed off, and with that he was gone. you smiled softly to yourself before turning over to your side. while you and levi had been close friends for years, you had always had a reserved love for him. one that you never thought could be reciprocated since levi didn't believe in love..or soulmates for that matter.

to him, it was all worthless and insignificant- saying that it was hopeless to fall in love whilst being a soldier. still, he did things that made you feel that he cared for you as more than just a close friend. things that were oddly out of character for him usually. as you pondered to yourself, you heard a small click at the door.

confused, you sat up in bed; the covers sliding off your legs and landing in a heap on the floor. had levi come back already? surely not, he had just left and the bakery was at least a ten minute walk. he had definitely locked the door behind him, and nobody else had the key to your small home besides levi.

the doorknob shifted again, however the door did not open since the user didn't posses a key. you were thankful for this mercy as you took the opportunity to stumble out of bed and peek through the window. pushing the thinned curtains aside with your fingers, you instantly gasped when you saw two unfamiliar figures on the doorstep. one tall and slim, the other short and stocky. one had a long shotgun, the other a slender and precise knife.

you slid to the ground, avoiding their view to your best ability while you contemplated your options. obviously these weren't the "grab and go" type of burglars- they would kill if need be. in your normal, healthy state you could probably take them both on without harming yourself, but with your leg the way it was you figured that your chances of fighting were unlikely.

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