like father like daughter!! levi x mom reader on vacation

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okay so, some background for this one shot:
you (y/n) are married to levi, and you have a daughter named (d/n). HOWEVER, levi is not her biological father because d/n's father was toxic and abusive so he left you and your daughter. now, you are going on vacation with hange, and levi is left to babysit d/n. the story is basically based around levi wanting to be like a father figure to d/n but also being afraid of it. enjoy soft levi :)

word count: 2,854 words

y/n's pov:

"are you sure you can handle all of this levi?" you asked uncertainly.

you were at the door of the apartment you shared with your husband; levi. you had been so stressed out lately with work, and watching over your daughter, your best friend hange booked you a trip for the weekend to spend with her.

while normally you wouldn't ever dare question levi's abilities, you were a little nervous to leave him with your daughter; d/n. d/n's biological father had been married to you for three years, but he was abusive and levi had gotten you out of that relationship into a much better one. while d/n seemed to really like levi, and they got along quite well, you still weren't sure about them being together for a whole weekend.

"tch. of course i can. it's only a couple days, how bad can it be?" levi responded, and nudged you lightly out the door. you looked back at him and started stammering. "i know but..maybe i should just stay home.."

levi was about to say something, but d/n poked your knees lightly. "it's okay mommy, you need to go relax." she said promptly. you couldn't help but smile; for a five year old d/n always was aware of what was going on. when you didn't move, she folded her arms and squinted at you. "i'll be fine i promise!" she pouted.

you nodded and kissed her forehead. "alright then. be good for levi okay? and listen to what he says no matter what, understood?" you implied. d/n smiled and gave you a thumbs up.

finally you looked back to levi who gave you a condescending look. "your flight is going to take off without you if you don't hurry up." he noted. you sighed, and he pressed a kiss to your nose. "i'll take care of her. go have a good time, you deserve it." he murmured.

with a couple more subtle pushes from levi and d/n you finally were out the door. "have a good time mommy!" d/n called from the door. levi picked her up so that she could see better and they both waved at you from the taxi window.


levi's pov:

levi sighed in relief, and carried d/n inside before shutting the door with his foot. he couldn't pretend that he wasn't also a little nervous to be spending all this time alone with the little girl. he had never really had a father figure, at least not the kind that d/n needed in her life, and he just wanted her to know that she could trust him to be the father figure she did need.

he placed her carefully on the counter then leaned against the opposite counter. "okay so, what do you wanna do?" he asked casually.
d/n pondered the idea for a moment, before looking down at her hands.

"you don't have to spend time with me if you don't want to. dad usually didn't want to play with me or talk to me."

her response made levi's heart hurt. despite his hatred of children, levi had always found
d/n tolerable because unlike other annoying kids her age she had a well developed brain. she was also quite independent and polite, and he found that he enjoyed his time spent with her.

"nonsense, i enjoy spending time with you. even if you are just a little brat." levi commented. most people would probably gain offense from this comment, but d/n smiled at levi's forward ness. "i like spending time with you too levi. you're the only person who doesn't treat me like a baby." she said happily.

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