insufficent!! levi x african american reader

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hello!! as an african american girl, i've had moments in my life where i've been deemed unqualified just because of my skin color. IT IS SO IMPORTANT that all of my melanin queens out there realize that YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND YOU MATTER. do not let anyone tell you otherwise. now, enjoy <33

word count: 2,536 words

you had always been treated differently because of the color of your skin.

at first, everyone was a little..suspicious of you, but you proved your abilities quickly, therefore moving up the ranks swiftly and with ease. after awhile, people started to gain a trust and some even learned to respect you for your talents, and see you as a human being as well. however, some things never changed.

"that concludes our training for today cadets. i hope that you all get a good nights rest for the trials tomorrow." your captain announced. everyone sighed in relief, and stretched out before filing out one by one. "just one moment cadet l/n." your captain called.

you made your way over to him and saluted your superior. "yes, sir?" your captain looked you up and down; took in your sweating exterior and out of place hairs. nobody questioned your dedication; you always had felt the need to work even harder in order to prove yourself.

"cadet, i require your services in cleaning the offices tomorrow after lunch." your captain said in a steely tone. "dismissed." for a moment, you didn't think you had heard him correctly. "excuse my surprise sir, but you must know that trials for levi squad are at that time right?" you stammered. your captain nodded. "yes cadet, i am aware."

his words hit you like a ton of bricks. of course you couldn't directly disobey your commanding officer; but surely he knew how hard you had worked, how much you wanted this.

with historia becoming queen, there was an open spot on squad levi, and it was no secret that only the elite were permitted to be on it. besides that, all of your friends were there and according to them you had a good shot at taking the spot.

you figured that if you somehow made it on squad levi, people would finally start to give you the recognition you deserved.

"but sir, i've worked so hard; surely i've proven that i can-" you started to speak but were cut off mid sentence. "you're not ready cadet. you'll only make a fool out of me and my squad. besides, someone of your..background is unfit to be on such an elite squad. now, go enjoy your free time since you won't need to prepare for anything."

you felt like you had been slapped in the face. you had been training for this moment for months, and now your one opportunity to prove yourself was going to slip from your fingers. "yes sir." you muttered in defeat and hurried out to the mess hall to join your friends.

you sat down without a word, but connie noticed your presence immediately. "there she is! new cadet on squad levi; f/n." jean smiled and elbowed you. "you'll be a great addition to the team f/n. you'll help balance out eren and his stupidity."

eren snapped his head up and pouted. "shut up horse face, i am not stupid!" everyone laughed; even mikasa let a small giggle loose. you traced your finger along the wood grains in the table. "actually guys, i'm not um..i'm not gonna be at the trials tomorrow." you mumbled.

everyone's smile faded, and their expressions were replaced with confusion. "what? but f/n you're like, one of the best- i'd place you only second to levi and mikasa." armin commented. "i agree." mikasa spoke up. "to be on any other squad would be a waste of your talents."

you heaved a sigh and rested your head in your hands. "tell that to my section commander. he won't let me attend the trials." everyone shared glances. this wasn't the first time that your captain had limited your growth due to his..personal thoughts and ideas about you.

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