gone, gone, gone || levi x lost reader

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y/n's pov:

you leaned into your horse and lightly scratched its chin. somehow being near your horse always calmed you; it was almost as if she could sense your nerves.

today marked another expedition. although it had been carefully planned and well thought out, you still couldn't help but have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. a million possibilities streamed through your mind, but the most dominant one was him.

the possibility that you weren't going to come back to him. the possibility that he would return home and you wouldn't be there. your heart ached at the thought of either one of you being separated from the other, especially since you had just found each other.

"squad leader y/n, we're loading up. heading out soon." one of your cadets in your squad said from somewhere behind you. their voice was distant in your ears.

"thank you cadet. i'll be there in a moment." you muttered in response. the cadet nodded solemnly, then hurried off to join the others. you sighed, slightly relieved to be alone with your thoughts again; no matter how grim they were.

"i hope you remembered to put a saddle on her this time." you heard the voice and winced. you couldn't even bear to look at him; not with the thought of you never seeing him again prodding your brain.

you answered softly without turning to face him. "i only did that once." levi walked up beside you, and lightly scratched your horse; your horse had always been quite fond of him. for a moment, the two of you stood in silence. you had no idea what to say or where to start. levi paused and looked you up and down; sensing how you were feeling. he got it, because he was feeling the same exact way.

"what are you thinking about?" he asked nonetheless. you sighed breathlessly. "everything." he nodded shortly in response, then let out a sigh himself and took your hands. "i know what you're thinking y/n. it's written all over your face." you ignored him to your best ability and pretended to be really interested in your horse.

levi rolled his eyes, and turned your chin; holding it so that you were forced to look at him. "are you really so certain this is goodbye?" he mumbled.

ouch. you didn't want to talk about this right now, or ever really. it was such an unimaginably uncomfortable topic. "i'm not..it's just..hard not to think about." you admitted in a low tone. levi searched your face, then spoke. "well i'm gonna be here after this is all over. right here. and you better be here too." you nodded. "of course i'll be here."

saying it out loud made you feel better. surviving wasn't just a desire, it was a need. you both knew it without even having to really say it straight up. "captain! we're heading out in a couple minutes!" one of levi's squad members called for him. levi sighed, and ran his hands down your arms. "well. that's my cue." he smiled sadly, and you returned it with the same message behind it.

"levi i just-" he cut you off a pressed a finger to your lips. "don't. that sounds like goodbye." you let out an exasperated sigh and rolled your eyes. "okay..see you later alligator?" you tried. levi chuckled, and nodded. "after awhile crocodile." he cupped your face with both of his cool hands, and pressed his lips to yours.

when levi kissed you it always caused butterflies in the bottom of your stomach, or a tingly feeling that caused your head to spin. but this time was different; it was..melancholy. sweet and pure, but also solemn. it definitely felt like a goodbye kiss.

he started to pull away, but for once in your life you allowed yourself to be selfish. you grabbed the back of his neck and him pulled back in; and he didn't decline the offer either. you just wanted to savor this moment; who knew if you would ever get another.

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