stuck with you!! levi x reader

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word count; 1,882 words

your legs were sore and aching from being on horseback all day. today was like any other day in the survey corps; securing titan checkpoints, although today there was one key difference.

apparently there had been a complication on commander erwin's end, and he had sent a flare signaling all troops to hold their position. unfortunately, you had been with captain levi in his sector when the flare was released, meaning you were stuck riding with him.

levi ackerman had never liked you. or so you figured, based on the fact that he rarely ever spoke to you directly and he always gave you the most difficult and time consuming tasks.

while it was true that he often times gave everyone a hard time, he seemed to give you the most trouble of all.

you hadn't even realized that you had gotten lost in your thoughts again until you heard the captains voice above the shrill wind.

"are you alive back there?"

you shook your thoughts away and sped up so that your horse was matching the pace of his. "yeah, i mean..yes." you responded.

levi looked up to the sky and frowned; well, more then usual. "it looks like it's gonna storm pretty bad. we should try and find shelter." he noted. you nodded; partially because it was a smart idea and partially because your legs were going numb.

the two of you rode along for a while more, until levi pointed out a shallow entranced cave ahead. rain had started falling in heavy sheets, and you could barely see three feet ahead of you. this wasn't a great place to be stuck, especially since you were in titan territory.

you both halted and dismounted your horses swiftly. "well?" he questioned as you entered with your horse. you scanned the dank cave. it was dark, but roomy and spacious. it would have to do. "yeah, all good." you called. levi entered with both the horses, and rubbed his horse behind its ears lightly.

you allowed yourself to watch him for a moment, before you sat down and stretched out your legs with a relieved sigh. levi followed suit, sitting down across from you with his knees to his chest. he chuckled a little at your exhaustion, but didn't say anything further.

your horse came up to you and nudged you once. twice. the third time you looked up and sighed. "what?" you mumbled with a soft smile. you tried not to give in to levi watching you carefully.

your horse shrieked a neigh, and you sighed again knowing he was hungry. you dug around in your cloak and retrieved an apple, then held it up. your horse munched on it gratefully, and you chuckled and scratched his chin before leaning back against the wall.

"if that was your last one, shouldn't you have saved it for yourself?" levi spoke up from his side of the cave. you shrugged with your eyes closed, and responded sarcastically. "considering he's been carrying me all day, i think he needs it more than me." you hadn't meant to come off as arrogant, so you quickly sat up and stammered an apology.

"sorry that was a bit harsh, i'm just-" levi cut you off. "tired. i get it. and don't apologize for speaking your mind." you nodded, and fell into silence again. it would've been awkward if this wasn't the captains normal demeanor. that's why you were surprised when he spoke again.

"what are you thinking about?" you turned to him and his expression was as stoic as ever; however his eyes seemed curious. "oh, uh-well i was actually wondering something captain." you answered. "go on then." he responded.

you took a deep breath. here goes nothing. "i feel as though you don't like me sir. you seem to push me harder than everyone else; and i'm not complaining about it, just..curious as to why." you said bluntly. levi looked you up and down, then sighed. "well firstly, you don't have to address me so formally here. it's and second of all, i don't dislike you; i don't have a reason to. i admire your talent though, and i know you have potential so i push you."

levi one shots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ