savior!! levi x kidnapped reader

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hi loves!! this chapter is loooong but one of my favorite things i've ever written. i just am really proud of the detail. for some background; y/n is captured during a mission and levi has to work against the clock to save her. enjoy!!

word count: 3,216 words

you woke up to the burning feeling of thick, tight ropes pressing into your wrists. you tried to pull free, but it only seemed that the more you resisted the tighter they became.

as you began to come to your senses, you quickly became more and more panicked. everything came back to you in a flood of memories from earlier;

you had been on a mission to safely transport eren and historia, however things took an unexpected turn leading to you being taken. you sighed in relief knowing that at least eren and historia were safe and with levi and the rest of the squad. you on the other hand, were unsure why your captors had taken you; perhaps for leverage.

"well well well, look who's finally awake." a shorter man with stubby legs and large hands waddled over to you and spoke in your ear. his hot breath reeked of alcohol and it made you shiver.

his big clammy hand grabbed your throat and pulled your head forward, forcing you to look him in the eye. "i'm gonna ask you this once pretty girl. where did your little scout friends run off to? i know that they have eren and historia, so speak up."

you swiftly spat in his face despite your growing fear. "like i'd ever even think of telling you." you hissed. the man released your throat, then slapped you across the face. tears prickled your eyes at the burning sensation it left behind, and you barely had enough time to refocus before he kicked you hard in the gut, causing you to taste the irony undertones of blood in your mouth.

"don't ever disrespect me again girl. you'll see where it gets you."

levi's pov:

the captain couldn't focus; not when he knew he had failed f/n.

when given the choice between pursuing eren and historia's attackers versus the ones who had knocked her out and taken her, he went after historia and eren. those were his orders from commander erwin; protect those two at all costs.

everyone seemed alright with gambling away everyone else's lives for eren and historia since they were deemed as crucial to humanities survival; but what about levi? what about his survival?

while he had never come out and said it, it was clear to levi how he felt about f/n. he had always been slightly more protective over her than anyone else in the squad, and he told her things he never would even have thought to mention to another person.

f/n was one of the only things that hadn't been mutilated by this dark and gruesome world. she was always kind, and compassionate. always quick to help others and make people smile, but also become a fierce fighter when needed.

and she was willing to lay down her life so that humanity could finally be free.

"we should search for f/n at night, as we then at least have the element of surprise on our side." hange proposed to the group.

levi had been silent the whole discussion, but that particular comment caught his attention.

"we don't need the element of surprise." he hissed. hange sighed lightly, and gestured for the other cadets to leave them alone. everyone filed out, including a very disgruntled historia and eren, who felt like somehow it was their fault you had been taken.

"levi, i know how you..feel about her. but going at night is best and you know it." hange said in a soft tone.

"this isn't about how i feel about f/n, this is about how quickly we need to get to her! those slimy pigs are out there, doing who knows what to her and-" he couldn't even bring himself to finish the sentence. what were they doing to
f/n? just thinking about the possibilities made him feel sick to his stomach.

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