nothing can get to you || exhausted levi x reader

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you made your way back upstairs from the library; hange had insisted you meet her there to discuss a new theory with you. after hours of her rambling, you were finally freed and sent off to bed.

not wanting to wake anyone else up in the surrounding rooms down the corridor, you crept as quietly as you could up the stairs and balanced on your toes on the way back to your room. it was difficult without a light source of any kind- but thankfully after years of being in the survey corps, you knew the floor plan like the back of your hand.

just as you were about to slip into your room, a light pouring from underneath a closed door caught your eye. you identified the light source to be coming from captain levi's office, meaning he was still awake. you sighed, and made your way over there as quietly as you could.

this was the third night in a row that you had caught him with his light still on this late into the night. at first you had just assumed that he had fallen asleep with it on- seeing as he usually caught a couple of hours of sleep by dozing off in his chair- however commander erwin had confirmed that ever since he started planning the expedition, he was unsure if levi had actually been sleeping at all.

while you understood that the expedition was important, you also knew that being seen as humanity's strongest soldier took more of a toll on levi than people knew. they expected him to be able to handle everything they threw at him; all the paperwork and all the training, when in reality he was still human- not a miracle worker. yes he was strong physically, but mentally he needed some rest.

you tapped your knuckle lightly on the door. "levi? levi it's me, are you..are you awake?" you  spoke in a hushed whisper. you heard an exasperated sigh sound from behind the door, confirming your suspicions. "yes y/n, i'm awake. come in." you inhaled deeply and prepared yourself mentally for what you were about to see. and it's a good thing that you did because what you saw shocked you.

he looked terrible. his usually hooded eyes were even more slanted shut then normal, no thanks to the dark circles under them. his muscles looked tense too, and you could tell that by his seemingly limited range of motion as he hurriedly scribbled on a scatter of papers on his desk.

that was another thing-the mess of papers. the normal levi would have all of his paperwork in a neat stack. this was bad. worse than you had expected. you mentally kicked yourself for just noticing this now. how long had he been suffering in silence like this? you were his girlfriend; you felt that you should've caught on faster. you pushed those thoughts out of your mind and focused your attention back on levi.

"you're up late." you said softly, and twiddled with your fingers a bit awkwardly. "i could say the same for you." he responded in a gruff tone. judging by his posture, his tone, and his exhaustion, you knew that it would be a bad idea to push him. that didn't stop you from going on though. "yes, but i've been sleeping still for the past few days. can you say the same for yourself?" you pressed. levi sighed again, massaging the side of his head while he scribbled. "i don't have time for this right now y/n. i'm fine. go to bed."

you crossed your arms in frustration. you hated when he did this, acted like he was indestructible; immune to things everyone else faced just because he was labeled as humanity's strongest. you had never mentioned that to him of course, but you could feel yourself reeling over the edge.

"levi please, you haven't slept in days!" the frustration in your voice parted into worry. he didn't even so much as glance up at you when he responded.

"what, are you mad because i'm not spending enough time with you or something? i'm sorry y/n but some things are more important than 'moonlight walks' and 'talking about feelings.'"

he knew he was being rude, but he was too tired and annoyed to care. your fingers lingered on the doorknob, as tears started to prickle your eyes. you were hurt at his words, but you were honestly just starting to become angry. you contemplated just leaving, but you refused to let him win.

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