stargazing!! best friend levi x reader

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y'all know the's unedited..heh..


you woke up to a soft bang on your window, followed by another hollow sound once more. groaning a little, you reached for your phone, tugging it off the nightstand and off the charger. blinking hard against the bright light of the screen, you rubbed at your eyes feebly in order to read the time; 3:17 a.m.

you also noted a couple text messages and one missed call from your best friend; levi ackerman. quickly, you threw a blanket over your shoulders then rushed to your window; opening it with ease as you had done this many times before.

not to your surprise, levi was seated on the small balcony outside your bedroom window- looking up at the stars as he always did. for a moment, you admired your beautiful best friend. his hair was slightly damp, most likely from a shower as he had a habit of showering late at night. he had on a denim jacket, but you could see an olive green hoodie peeking out from underneath it. smiling to yourself, you hummed lightly im acknowledgment at his attractiveness; something you had always noticed but forced to keep hidden in your mind.

his put together outfit made you feel a little bit silly, as you were wearing your usual nightwear; an oversized t-shirt and some pajama shorts from your youth. how embarrassing.

levi noticed your presence, as usual, and he turned his head ever so slightly in your direction before turning away again with the tiniest of smiles tugging at his lips.

"took you long enough." he jeered.

you rolled your eyes, before settling yourself down next to him whilst crossing your legs. "my bad, i fell asleep again..but in my defense you always come so late." you responded, your gaze matching his as you stared at the sky and the stars. levi chuckled under his breath before blowing out a tuft of air and leaning back against the window with his knees to his chest; his elbows on his kneecaps in a casual position. "you stay up too late anyways. you probably had just gone to sleep when i called." he thought aloud.

"i-" you paused in defeat. he wasn't completely wrong, you may or may not have been up scrolling for a bit before going to sleep.

he knew you too well.

your silence made him laugh out loud; a joyous sound to you, even though he didn't do it often. you leaned back as well, and simply watched your good friend let loose for awhile. the silence after was a comfortable one, as levi had resumed counting stars, and you had continued to watch him do so.

the moon really did reflect off his skin; bouncing back the beautiful rays it shone down from the night sky. it illuminated every inch or his face, and brightened all of his sharp features that occasionally went soft just for you.

"you're beautiful." you blurted, not meaning to say your dream-like thoughts aloud.

levi's eyes widened momentarily, but averted quickly back to normal, him responding in a bored tone. "don't say stupid things." he muttered bluntly; in the classic levi tone. you laughed despite yourself, and poked him gently on the shoulder.

"it's not stupid, it's the truth. you're a beautiful person to look at." you assured him. levi glanced at you sideways and thought in silence for a moment.

"i think it's so late that you're becoming delusional." he decided, turning his gaze back upwards.

"no way."

"yes way."

you continued your childish bickering for a bit, until levi allowed you to win. after that, there was casual conversation. at least that's what it started as until it spun into the deeper topics of life. this often would happen at night; the two of you talking about nothing until it became something. random blurbs to focused speech.

after awhile, you found yourself standing up to venture to the ends of the balcony, resting your hands on the brass rest near the edge.

"what are you doing." levi asked from a little ways behind you.

"you can see so much more from here; sometimes i can climb up to the roof.." you trailed off, beginning to place a foot on the handle bar in order to boost yourself to the roof's awning.

you're gonna fall." levi warned, but you continued anyways, attempting to anticipate your next move as you began pushing yourself up.

"sorry levi, can't talk right now; trying to focus-"

of course, your foot slid right from under you, and you lost your balance. pressing your eyes closed in anticipation of the fall, you gasped lightly as two stable hands wrapped around your waist to catch you. your face heated up at the glimpse you got of the friendship bracelet tied to the wirst of one of the hands; the one you had made for levi years ago that matched your own. it was a marvel that he still even wore it.

pulling you back down to the smoothed pavement of the balcony, levi firmly turned you around to face him, all without removing his hands from your waist.

"you idiot, i told you that you were going to fall." he scolded, his hands running up your arms and leaving goosebumps in their wake. landing on your shoulders, he squeezed them gently before asking a simple question that made your stomach do a flip.

"are you alright?"

you paused for a moment, but quickly regained your composure and bobbed your head in an over forced nod. "yeah, yeah, totally fine!" you pressed. you were so obviously flustered that you leaned forward and hid your head in his chest, forehead touching his heart in a way as you tried to calm yourself down.

"tch." levi huffed aloud, before wrapping his arms around you carefully. "you're such an idiot." he repeated, and you laughed into his chest.

after awhile, you slid down to a seated position, tugging levi down with you. being the protective friend that he was, levi took note of your prominent goosebumps; shrugging his jacket off before draping it over your shoulders.

"what?" he questioned bluntly when you stared at him in wonder. "you get cold so easily.." he stammered, a thing that happened rarely. even more rare, his cheeks burned pink.

it was silent for a moment as you brought your head to rest on your friend's broad shoulder, watching the stars scattered across the sky and feeling the gentle thumps of his heart from behind you.

(time skip)

eventually, you had drifted off to sleep, and levi had poked your forehead gently in order to wake you. as your eyes slowly fluttered open, you were met with the familiar captivating gaze of his blue-gray stare. once you were fully awake, levi took your hands into his and pulled you to your drowsy feet.

"bed." he instructed, and poked your shoulder forcefully as he said it. you yawned before nodding reluctantly. leaving him was always your least favorite part.

"fine, fine, but not without our goodbye." you whined sleepily. levi chuckled again to himself before ultimately giving in.

"i suppose i don't have much of a choice, do i?"

you confirmed with a simple nod and a growing smile.

you pressed a light kiss to two of your fingers before reaching to press the fingers to levi's forehead, but instead he grabbed your fingers and forced you toward him, capturing your lips quickly in a sweet kiss.

it seems as though he had been wanting this for a long time. he moved his hand from your hair to your jaw, using his fingers to pull you in and gather more of you. his other hand pressed itself just above your hip, holding you steady.

you couldn't even remember breaking apart to catch a breath; him running a few stray fingers loosely around down your cheek before pulling away.

"goodnight, y/n."

and then the beautiful boy was gone as he had came.


whoops that ending was kinda rushed but I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END IT ARGHHH. anyways, i hope everyone is doing well, it's been a minute as per usual but it's okay. i'm sorry i don't get as much content out as i used to, i'm just really busy since i'm back in school and all that so i've been pretty stressed- trying to find times to write whenever i. an during the day. even now i'm uploading this when i should be asleep BC MY MOM SAID TO GO TO BED LIKE AN HOUR AGO! kk goodnight luvs

xx Mia :3

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