levi x reader in need || lean on me

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TW: this one shot contains mentions of a toxic relationship in forms of physical and verbal abuse. if this subject makes you uncomfortable, skip this chapter and i'll have another lighter one out soon <33

also, please please please; if you are in a toxic relationship talk to people you trust so that they can help you get out of it. i love you all.

word count: 2,711

for once in your chaotic lives, the scouts were finally going to get a break.

after a successful expedition with little to no casualties, commander erwin had been generous enough to throw a ball for the scout regiment. everyone appreciated the idea of an evening of relaxing small talk and refreshments; and being presented the luxury of dressing up in something other than ODM gear.

levi was at peace. he had a fresh cup of black tea just how he liked it, and he finally had finished enough paperwork to get to sit down and read the book y/n had recommended to him. levi took a couple innocent sips of the hot beverage and sighed contently at the steam curling from it. finally, he could have a couple savory moments to myself.

that was until a familiar squealing scientist burst into his office, causing him to almost drop his tea cup. "what do you want four eyes?" he hissed, and steadied the cup before the tea could lap over onto his desk.

"there's a ball tonight, oh lovely levi." hange cooed happily and rested her chin on her hands. levi stared at her blankly momentarily before going back to his tea; he didn't have time for her antics today, not when his day was going so well and his tea was about to get cold.

completely ignoring the moody captain's silence, hange continued. "sooo, are you gonna ask y/n?" levi nearly choked on his tea, but he quickly regained his usual serious composure. "why would i ask y/n? she's probably going with that moron boyfriend of hers." he grumbled.

levi had always had a soft spot for y/n, but it was already difficult enough for him to express his feelings, let alone when she already belonged to someone else. he never liked her boyfriend either. ever since she started dating him she seemed..different. less joyful then normal; which frustrated levi because he missed the more radiant and happy y/n.

hange sighed. "jealousy doesn't look good on you my friend." she clapped his shoulder lightly but he immediately shook off her touch and shot her a glare for touching him. "no worries though, y/n is gonna look so good tonight that you're not gonna have any choice but to confess your love to her." she teased, then left before levi could come up with another insult for her.

time skip

you sighed from your seat and looked out at the function happening before your eyes.

it was nice to see everyone relaxing and letting loose for once, and all the laughter and glasses clinking satisfied you. it was nice to forget about fighting and running and death. nice to just sit and reminisce in the bright lights and soft music.

"may i?" you looked up to see a familiar stoic-faced ebony haired man. you smiled and nodded, motioning to the seat across from you. "be my guest captain."

you and levi had always been somewhat close. while to most he seemed closed off and unapproachable, you were able to see through those walls with some patient effort. you had always had a reserved love for him, one that you knew could never be returned. after all, you had a boyfriend, so it wouldn't work either way.

you downed the rest of your drink, and felt your cheeks warm as levi stared at you. you softly placed down your glass, then turned to him. "what? do i have something in my hair?" you asked, and subconsciously started combing through your hair. "stop swatting your hair y/n it's just that you look..pretty..or whatever." levi grumbled. you smiled at his bluntness, and knew that coming from him that was a huge compliment.

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