sexy scenarios with Touya😩

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Lmao another aizawa x student!dabi cause someone asked so nicely.

Plus, dabi is a kinky little shit like us 🤍

Touya was a good student.

He kept up his grades, he worked his butt off to get into the hero course, he trained harder than any of his classmates, in order to keep up with them and surpass them. So if sometimes he took a few hours at the end of his day to indulge in some self-insert fic that was nobody’s business but his own. And if that fic involved his favorite home-room teacher… then it just did, okay?

It’s not like it was hurting anyone, and Touya was pretty sure that there were weirder ways to get off than imagining yourself in a sexy scenario with your crush. Some people did it by watching porn and imagining their crush and themselves in place of the actors, he did it by skipping the middleman and just writing out what he wanted.

Not like anyone else was gonna read it anyway, it wasn’t for them, it was just for him. And it made him happy, sue him.

The only time it even interfered with Touya’s schoolwork was when the night he realized he’d forgotten to send an essay through to Aizawa-sensei and midnight was creeping up on him, and even then all he’d had to do was download the essay, attach it to an email, and send the damn thing before he went right back to his indulgence. No harm done, and nobody the wiser.

He went to bed a few hours later, content with playing out the rest of his imagined story in his dreams, and slept like the dead.

“I have to say, this was the first time I was truly impressed with the assignments you’ve sent me,” Aizawa-sensei drawled from the front of the room, face half-buried in his capture weapon as his clever eyes scanned over his students, lingering long enough on certain individuals to have them squirming. If Touya was one of them then that was his own little victory.

“In all my years of teaching, and working as an active hero, I never knew about some of the punishments apparently available to me when it came to detaining criminals.”

Suddenly the praise felt like a stone in the stomach, heavy and uncomfortable. Most of 1A squirmed in their seats, with the exception of the usual suspects: Yaoyorozu, shouto his twin brother, Bakugou… Aizawa-sensei continued.

“I have to say, my favorite would have to be Kaminari’s suggestion of electrifying the ocean if a perpetrator jumps into it attempting to swim away.” The blonde boy sank lower in his seat and groaned softly. “I suppose you thought the collateral damage could be used as a feast in your honor.”

The class tittered but no one outright teased, it was clear they were all the focus of Aizawa-sensei’s ire today.

“Ashido’s concept of a human-sized acid trap makes me wonder how much time she spends watching certain shows instead of dedicating her time to getting through assigned reading.”

“Sorry,” Mina rubbed the back of her neck with an awkward little laugh.Touya allowed a soft puff of air to leave his nose; amused but quiet about it.

“And Touya,” Aizawa-sensei’s tone dipped into something smooth and purring and made the hairs on the back of Touya’s neck stand up in the most thrilling way. He swallowed, but instead of elaborating, his teacher merely tilted his head and smirked, before directing his eyes away and turning to the blackboard.

Fuck, I love when he does that, I’m getting good at writing that smirk…

“The rest of you will receive your papers momentarily. Should you wish to improve your grades, I’ll allow another 24 hours for you to do so. I highly recommend that most of you take me up on the offer.” Aizawa-sensei wrote up the relevant pages in their books for them to reference on the board again before setting the chalk down with a click.

You Belong To Me---Dabizawa One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora