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It's almost eleven o'clock in the evening when he hears the front door open abruptly and bang against the wall, and a few seconds later it slams shut just as loudly. Quiet curses and scuffles can be heard in the corridor. Shota closes his eyes briefly, rubs them with his fingers, sighs, and puts one of his students ' work aside without checking it out. Anyway, now he doesn't have a chance to finish checking, no matter how hard he tries and no matter how much he wants to do everything today.

So he decides that it's better to be ready right away, so he gets up and yawns, puts everything in a folder, and then in a desk drawer, deciding that if he puts it on the shelf, he'll just postpone until the last moment. And so at least a couple of times he will pay attention to the unfinished work when he'll want to get something, maybe at least it motivates to do everything in advance. Because when he sits down to work every time, one fiery beast immediately appears.
By the way, speaking of him.

Dabi doesn't enter, oh no, he bursts into the room, continuing to quietly swear at someone , while the fire runs through his hands and a little through his hair, and then immediately disappears, but still he slows down closer to the sofa that he ends up falling on, almost immediately staring at the ceiling, arms outstretched. His face can be seen traces of blood near the lines of scars with those staples a long time ago already it's time to change it, to bad they didn't fly the hell. There was blood on his clothes and hands, too, but it wasn't his. There were also footprints or dirt or some other dark-colored shit. But it is better not to think about its origin, he never knew where Dabi was during the execution of the next assignment this time.

Shota involuntarily recalls how one day Dabi come to his apartment covered in blood and with a bullet wound in the shoulder, and a bullet stuck in it. Because of this, they spent half the night in the bathroom, dealing with the consequences of another failure, but he decides not to think about it, shakes his head and folds his arms over his chest, continuing to look at the disaster on his couch. In addition to dirt and blood, there were new holes on his clothes, and in some places along the edges of his jacket was more torn than usual, which involuntarily again prompts the desire to get him a new one in the end, so that he does not go in some rags, but again he decides to ignore these thoughts.

"I want you to fuck me, " they both have no extra emotions on their faces: Dabi, because, to be honest, he fucked up, and Aizawa is just not surprised, just raises an eyebrow slightly, waiting for any explanations that usually followed such sharp and sudden statements. Dabi speaks dryly and directly, knowing that here he is not expected to make beautiful speeches, but just the opposite, so that he speaks directly and honestly about his desires, only now he is pausing, choosing the right words with which he could explain more precisely what he wants. But Shota does not hurry, simply noting that he did not waste his time and nerves in vain to teach the guy to talk at least with him calmly about everything he wanted, and not to evade, lie or hide the main point behind unnecessary phrases.

"Just so I can lose my voice. Hurt me or I don't know. I need the hardest session you can give me, and I know you can do a lot. Today I need the maximum, like-“

"No," he doesn't even let him finish, watching the same way, almost indifferently, as Dabi immediately sits down, looking at him indignantly, frowning and clutching the edge of his jacket with his fingers. Aizawa perfectly remembers their first moments when they were just beginning to get closer, when Dabi could not relax and give someone else control of the s someone else, not allowing himself to be tied up or blindfolded, growling, almost all the time trying to overwhelm his partner and ride his hips on his own, instead of calmly allowing him to do something with himself, and do pleasant things. But still, after a decent amount of time, a lot of conversations and attempts, full of both mistakes and small victories, Dabi honestly said what he wants at the moment, not blindly adjusting to the partner, not scared of some manifestations of affection or attention, and also without indignation gave control of his body, feelings and condition to Aizawa, showing that he received a lot of pleasure, savoring his submission.

You Belong To Me---Dabizawa One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now