I still need to finish this so here's a preview

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Its fluffy and has lime

It's after dinner when her daddy asks her a really weird question. Papa had just made dinner so he was cleaning up.

"Do you want a little sibling?" Shouta qquestions out of the blue. Eri looks up from her book ppuzzled. She had recently got a SS ranked book, it was herd for most kids her age but she could manage. He cocks his head before he asks eri again.

"Yeah!" Eri shouts, it was lonely sometimes when daddy and papa couldn't play with her.

A loud crash startles her and she automatically runs to sho's knee, looking back toward the kitchen. Her papa looks up with a strange expression before apologizing, going to pick up the tin pan he'd dropped.

Eri giggles her papa could be so clumsy at time's. Sometimes he'd walk like he was a dog on a broken leg, but she never payed it any mind.

Shouta pulls her into his lap, straightening her pajamas as she gets comfortable. Shouta runs a warm had thought his damp hair, drying any wet strans.

"I want a little sibling" Eri says to excited for her own good "we can play games, and read boks!" Eri says excitingly and shouta chuckles.

"Books" Shouta corrects her softly "I'll talk to papa tonight for you," Shouta says eyes straying to her papa in the kitchen. Touya looks up before blushing and looking elsewhere. He dries his hands with a towel before sitting in on a counter.

Her papa clears his throat, walking over.

"Time for bed" Touya announces.

Eri shakes her head obviously arguing with her papa, Touya puts his hands on his hips giving her an expectant look but eri shakes her head clinging to Shouta's pajama top.

"Oh no you don't" Touya says scoping her out of Shouta's hold. Eri chirps as Touya grabs her quickly.

"I'm not tired yet" Eri says stifling a yawn, "can I stay up with daddy?" She questions lightly her fingers curling in Touya's top. It's worth a shot. She wants to talk more about a little sibling now.

Touya turns a expectant look to his husband Shouta and so does Eri.

"Hey I'm staying out of this, it is your bedtime eri." Shouta says putting his hands up in defense, "we can talk more in the morning" Shouta supplies

"Papa, scares daddy" Eri giggles before yawning.

"Exactly," Touya says peaking at eri "I'm in charge, and don't you forget it." Touya says pressing a kiss to her cheek, Eri giggles.

When she wakes up its really late.

Her brows furrowed, and she rubs her eyes. She doesn't know why she's awake until she hers another funny sound. She sits up. Its not as dark in he room cause the night light. It feels overwhelming and the strange sensation frightens her a bit, before they settle.

She hugs her plush closer as she crawls out of bed to follow the strange sound. Her door is closed which is unusual and she's suddenly scared, she opens the door and peaks into the hallway and its dark.

Its dark as she pads out of her room, looking this way and that. She can't make up anything and complaints about going back too sleep.

And its quite until she hears another low noise, its coming from the other side of the penthouse she realizes.

Walking down the hallway she stops at her parents room, and the lights on they should be sleep she was thinking, then a loud slap was heard and it startled her out of her trance.

There's a mumbling of sounds before she hears another slapping noise.

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