Lonely (Part 2)- Wanda x Yelena x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Your apology doesn't mean shit!" She exclaims, her accent becoming very prominent. "How dare you hurt my little girl! She is the most amazing person to walk this Earth and you broke her heart! I should kill you for hurting her." Her voice gets deeper and angrier towards the end and she squeezes her neck.

"Yelena, baby, calm down." Wanda coos and walks over to them, laying a hand on her girlfriends shoulder.

"You're a worthless little girl, I hope you know that." Yelena spits. "Get the hell out of here before I really do kill you." With one last glare, Yelena lets the girl go who scarpers off without a second thought.

"You okay?" Wanda asks quietly and kisses Yelenas head.

"Yeah." Yelena nods before looking over at you. "I'm sorry, little poser."

"No. Thank you, Auntie Lena." You say gratefully. "I don't ever want to see her again."

"You know what will make you feel better?" Yelena asks.


"Vodka. I'll go get some-"

"Yelena Belova! No!" Wanda scolds which makes you giggle. "You will not give our 16 year old niece vodka!"

"Why? A shot of vodka a day keeps the doctor away." She says innocently.

"No, honey, that's completely wrong." Wanda sighs whilst you laugh at the interaction.

"Fine. Sorry, little poser, Wiggly Woo is boring." Yelena tells you which makes you grin.

Wanda rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Sweetheart, why don't you go choose a movie?"

"Ok." You agree and hop off the counter, leaving the kitchen.

"You're such a bad influence." Wanda tuts.

"You love me for it." Yelena grins and jumps back up onto the counter.

Wanda rubs her girlfriends thigh whilst she stirs the sauce.

"I hate it." Yelena blurts out which makes Wanda frown and look over at her.

"What? My food?" Wanda asks.

"No." Yelena quickly shakes her head before looking down. "I hate that I'll never be able to have a baby."

"Darling," Wanda sighs softly and moves to stand in front of Yelena, holding her hands. "We've been over this, I can carry."

Yelena nods but her eyes fill with tears and her lip trembles. "I know," her voice shakes. "But ever since I was little, I dreamt of carrying my own child, and now I'm never gonna get that chance."

Wanda frowns sadly and kisses Yelenas knuckles. "Babygirl, it's okay."

"It's not. I hate him." Yelena chokes out, looking up at her girlfriend. In that moment, Wanda doesn't think she's ever seen Yelena so vulnerable. "It's not fair, Wands."

"No, baby, it's not." Wanda agrees and pulls Yelena into her arms. "If there was any way I could reverse the damage, I would."

"C-Can't you? With your magic?" Yelena asks hopefully.

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