Best friends sister- Florence

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"Raf," your voice breaks when your best friend answers the door.

"Hey, what's wrong? You never knock." She asks worriedly.

"My parents kicked me out." You whimper which makes her gasp.

"What? Why?" She asks in shock.

"I'm pregnant." You whisper as a few tears fall down your cheeks.

"Oh my god," she whispers with wide eyes. You burst into tears and Raffie is quick to pull you into a hug. "It's okay, I've got you. You can stay here."

"They said they hated me, Raf." You sob into her neck. "My own parents hate me!"

"Screw them, they've always been dickheads. My family is your family, you've got us, you don't need them." She tells you and kisses your head.

"I'm scared, Raffie. I have to do this alone."

"What about the father?" She asks.

"He wants nothing to do with it." You shake your head.

"How far along are you?" She asks.

"Coming up 15 weeks." You whisper. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you-"

"Hey, don't apologise. Somethings we just want to keep to ourselves. It's gonna be okay." She assures.

"How? I've got a couple grand saved up, but that's not gonna be enough to get a place." You panic.

"You don't need a place, you're staying here." She says sternly.

"But your parents-"

"Love you and think of you as their own daughter. You're staying, Y/NN, and I'm gonna help you through this. We all will. You aren't alone." She promises you. "Now come on, it's cold out here. Let's get you inside."

Raffie grabs your suitcase and keeps one arm around your shoulder as she guides you inside. She sets your suitcase down by the stairs before walking to the living room where the rest of her family is. Her bother and sisters have gathered for the Christmas holiday. You see her family and start to back away but she holds you tightly to stop you from doing so.

"Mum," Raffie calls out which makes her mother turn around.

"Y/N! Hello, lovely, I didn't know you were coming over today." Debbie greets and moves to hug you. "You haven't been over in a while. Is everything okay?"

"Um," you whisper and look up at Raffie.

"Mum, Dad, can I talk to you?" Raffie asks which makes her parents nod. "Stay here. I'll be back."

You nod nervously and linger in the doorway as your best friend leaves with her parents. It's not like you haven't met her siblings before, you've actually really close with Toby and his girlfriend, Scarlett, but you haven't seen Florence in a couple years or Arabella in a while.

"Hey, squirt." Toby greets and gets up, wrapping his arm over your shoulder and ruffling your hair.

You giggle slightly and swat his arm playfully. "Jerk."

His grins down at you.

"Hi, Y/NN." Scarlett greets and pulls you the a hug.

"Hi, Scar." You hug her back before pulling away.

"Do you want some wine?" She asks.

"Oh. Uh, no thanks." You politely decline, glancing over at Florence who is watching you intently.

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