"Do you like it?"

"Ya its pretty fun"

"Well hello again!" I open my eyes and see Markus looking down at me

"Oh.. hey"

"Mind if I sit?"

"Uhm sure"


He sits next to me between ryan.

"So what are you up to?"

"We hanging out with my friends.."


"Uhm what have you been doing?"

"Nothing much really I've been super lonely since my girlfriend left me"

"I'm sorry again about that"

"Its fine she was cheating on me anyway"


"How's your head feeling?"

"Better I guess"

"Good well I was on my way to the library so I'll get going see ya dyl!"

He says standing up and hurrying off.

"Dyl... seriously" Kaitlyn says

"Ya.." I shrug

"You sure he isn't gay?"

"Well I don't knew we never talked about that"

"Well maybe you should he seems a bit odd"

"Well he just did get dumped a few days ago"

"Ya true I guess"

"You know how jacob was when emma dumped him"

"Gos he was trying to show off so hard!" Emma laughs

"So hard" Kaitlyn laughs to

"Have you two talked at all?" I ask

"A little bit we both understand and I think jacob might have a thing for another girl at his school"

"Ooo really?'

"Ya he says her name was maddy"

"Nice name" Kaitlyn says picking at the grass

We lay there all relaxing when emma sits back up seeming surprised.

"Whats up?"

"Its abi birthday in like two days!?"

"Wait seriously?!"


"And she never told us?!"

"Abis like that " emma sighs

"Well we should plan something!"

"Totally a party maybe?"

"Or maybe just go to the movies as a group abis not a bit fan of partys" ryan says


"A think a movie should work"

"Alright well I'll text the group chat tonight"

"Oh ya I need to go home soon" ryan sighs

"Aww you can't stay?"

"Nope I have a 15 year old sister at home"

"Well she has a great bother"

"Damn right she does" ryan smiles standing up.

"I'll see you guys later" he says before walking off I pout watching him walk away.

"Soooo you two good now?" Kaitlyn ask

"Oh ya were good"

"That's good I don't think I could take you being depressed any longer!"

"Same it was just sad..." emma pouts

"Well im not sad anymore so don't worry"

"Yay happy dylan!" Emma says laying her head on my lap.

"Do any of you guys just think sometimes that were adults..."

"God don't say that you make it seem like we're old!" Emma shakes her head

"Well emma your like 20"

"God don't remind me!"

"Whos the oldest in the group?"

"Isn't it nick?" Kaitlyn ask

"I think so he is like 22 then it's dylan being 21"

She says patting my shoulder. I groan

"God I'm old!"

"Yes you are!"

"Then everyone else is 20 right?" Kaitlyn says

"No abis still 19 she will be 20 in two days"

"Oooo she is still young"

"Lucky her" I groan

"Dude your only a year older"

But that means I'll hit 50 first"

"No nick will"

"Oh ya... damn I forgot he was older then all of us"

"Let's stop talking about age I feel the wrinkles already" emma sighs touching her face

"Is that a white hair!?" Kaitlyn gasp

"What!?" Emma panics

We both burst out laughing emma sits there glaring at the two of us.

"You guys are awful"

"Love ya"

{Sorry if this came out late I had a super massive writer's block and it was awful but its gone now ♡}

moving on {Dylan x Ryan}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon