Chapter 16 - Flashbacks

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It's nothing I often thought about. I mean, that's not what 18 year old's should think about often . I should think about how i have a paper due for AP Lit once we get back from spring break. It doesn't make much sense if i'm dying. Because I am.

I think about what I was writing about in my essay, I think I was writing about Romeo and Juliet? The tragic great lovers, who are supposedly an image of romance and true love, even though Juliet is what? Fucking 13?

I think Eddie and I would be a better image of tragic great love, but maybe, that's just me.

But, back to the topic at hand.

Dying, is a blur. Its as if you're drifting, between life and death, a boat trying to get back ashore. and the rumors that your life flashes before your eyes is true. The people you truly love, all the memories you have with them is there. Its as if your body wants you to go through a positive charge before you go through something so negative, and there's nothing else anymore.

•Summer July 5th 1985,
The Day After the StarCourt Mall Fire•

"Hey!" Chrissy called for me as I walked my bike into the garage. "Tilly! Come inside!" She was yelling from my window which overlooks the main road at the front yard with our white picket fence.

I wave to her and walk inside, i untie my chucks and put them at the front of the door. I close it and walk up the carpeted stairs, going into my very pink room. "Hey Chris!" She smiles at me and sits down on the bed.

"I know you're back from Nevada, I already said welcome back to your brother," She blushes and tries to put one of her curly bangs behind her ear.

I smile at her and sit on the bed with her. "Yeah, yeah we're back. I heard a whole bunch happened, when we were gone. It's just burning, hot, gossip." I chuckle and adjust in my seat looking up at her.

She smiles and messes with the end of her jean shorts. "I found something under your brothers bed."


Totally unrelated to what I was referring to.

"What'd you find?"

She grabs her bag and pulls out a vintage 50s magazine, where the models were drawn in what they would call sexy bikinis and more cleavage. "No fucking way!" I joke and she shushes me slightly.

"Remember when your mom heard you cursing last time?" She whispered harshly and I laugh.

"Who knew my brother collected 50s nudes." I look up to Chris and now she laughs.

"Well, I found something particular, uh, it was the page it was opened to when I grabbed it from under there." She opened the page to a girl who looked as if it could be a clone of her. She was wearing a green two piece swim set, and was grabbing her neck and boob sensually.

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