Chapter 10 - Bats n' Shit

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Finally, Steve comes back up to the boat and we all look over at him

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Finally, Steve comes back up to the boat and we all look over at him. "Found it." He says shaking his head getting water on some of us, i scrunch my nose in disgust and look at Eddie. Eddie smirks at my reaction and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, it's definitely down there."

Nancy and Robin hold their hands out to bring him up until he looks down perplexed. "What?" Nancy asks but before Steve can answer he's pulled down by his leg into the water. I scream. I've seen this before. When my brothers friend had died in front of my eyes, his body shooting out of the water and his bones cracking. But Steve didn't shoot out of the water. He never came up.

Nancy starts stripping her jacket, "Wait where the fuck are you going!?" Eddie asks his eyes wild.

"I'm going after him." She dives in and Robin gets up.

Robin takes off her jacket, "Me too." She gives a kurt nod and jumps in. I look to Eddie and Eddie looks at me. We both get up and hold hands.

"Shit shit shit." He repeats as we jump in. He drags me with him and brings me to this open red mound at the bottom of the lake. It's as if it pulls us through, it's the weirdest feeling.

We drop down to the ground, I drop down on my back and Eddie lands on his ass. "Shit!" I grunt out and he immediately gets up and comes to me putting his hand out. I take it and feel his cold rings against my wet hands. I look over to see these creatures attacking Steve. Eddie goes over whacking them with the oar that was accidentally brought into the upside down. I swat at them, wishing I had a weapon myself. Eddie looks over and grabs me by my hand putting me behind them and having me place my hands at his waist. I look over and steve grabs the bat and bites it's head off, the blood spilling out of his mouth.

I hold on tighter to Eddie until he places his hand on mine his signal I can let go now. "Holy shit." Steve breathes out.

"You can say that again." I say dumbfounded looking around at my surroundings, the red skies giving me memories of before. Nancy goes up to Steve with a concerned look putting out a delicate hand lightly touching his exposed chest.

He hisses, "Fuck!"

"Sorry," She replies looking up to him, her eyes wide, "I just wanted to see the damage."

I grabbed Eddie's hand and hit his shoulder with my elbow and we both giggled. We look over to Robin and Robins holding back laughter too. She was making kissy faces behind their backs, causing Eddie and I to put our hands up to our mouths to control our laughter. "We should maybe get you bandaged up dude." Robin said narrowing her eyes in disgust at Steve's injury's. Everyone looks to me, the only one who brought my backpack. I put my mouth in a straight line and open the bag handing them the first aid kit I keep in there.

While Robin and Nancy were discussing rabies as they were dry heaving at Steve's wounds I look to Eddie. "Are you okay?" He asks me, putting his other hand on my jaw moving my face around trying to detect my emotions.

I scrunch my nose in protest, "Yes! I'm okay!" I giggle as he taps my nose with his finger and he pulls away. I let go of his hand to adjust my hair and he grabs my hip pulling me closer having my other hip to his. "Oh so you were serious about this touching thing."

He smiles, "So serious."

"Wait Nancy?" Robin says seeming as though a revelation has overcome her. "So like this place is supposed to be Hawkins but like without people right?"

"Yeah, so everything should be here?" Eddie asks looking around at our surroundings.

"Yeah like guns n' stuff? Like the police should have guns or-or grenades or something?" I speak up from Eddie's side looking at everyone and then looking up at Eddie who's looking at me with an amused expression.

Steve laughs at me causing me to scowl, "I don't know about grenades but definitely guns."

Nancy speaks up,"I have guns."



We enter Nancy's house and look around, Vecnas vines all around the house. "Uh Nancy, I think it's time for a maid." I joke looking around, tripping on myself, having to grab Eddie's forearm to stop myself. He looks at me and laughs and I frown at him. He grabs my hand and we look around, going upstairs. We follow Nancy into her room and she goes to her bottom dresser drawer throwing clothes around, revealing nothing at the bottom.

"What the fuck?" She questions herself getting up and looking around. She looks at the stuffed goofy on her bed and grabs it. "I sold this at a garage sale last year... this isn't supposed to be here!" She looks to the stuffed animal again, "You aren't supposed to be here!" Again she spins around and looks for the guns again in the drawer that's now empty. I look up to Eddie who shrugs.

"Nancy, I don't think your guns are here." Eddie speaks up over the eerie silence.

She rolls her eye grabbing a pink journal that lays on the nightstand, she goes through the pages and to the last entry, "1983?" She scoffs, "This is my house in 1983! Not now! It hasn't been changing as we live on?" She seems to spiral till we hear Steve's voice shouting from downstairs, she speeds downstairs to Steve thinking he's in trouble.

I look at Eddie with a questionable face, "Should we check it out?"

He smiles, "Go ahead m'lady!" He gestures for me to go down the stairs and I smile hopping down and him following.

"Do you guys hear this!?" Steve is jumping up and down and pointing everywhere. We try and listen and soon we hear Dustin, Lucas, and a little girls voice.


I feel as though i'm dragging this on, so the next chapter will hopefully be uploaded later this week? I just got off on summer break so hopefully i'll be uploading more. I have Eddie imagines and a Steve fic ready for some uploads soon :)

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