Chapter Twenty-Seven ☽︎ What We Could Have Been

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EVERYTHING FUCKING HURTS. Everything. The memory of Mr. Summers slaps me in the face. The way he sneered at me, knowing that I had absolutely no choice but to do exactly as he said.

"Mr. James, or should I call you Ace? Which one is more appropriate for you?" He asked, a proud smirk on his face. He'd asked to meet with me and I agreed, maybe he was giving me and Kimmie his blessing or whatever the hell parents do. I don't know if it matters anymore, my life is literally just dangling ever since the fight in the rink.

"You don't like me, and we both know that, so why did you ask to meet?" I pause. "How the hell did you even contact me?"

"You've screwed up, Kid, you know that right?" He gives me a blank look, and I take that as my cue to leave, this was pointless anyway.

"You really called me here just to make fun of me? I thought you were supposed to be older than this," I stand to my feet—

"Hudson sit down," his tone is harsh now, he's definitely done playing. So I sit.

"You've ruined your life, your future by putting your opponent in an ICU, and now your mom is due for surgery and you can't fucking afford it," he laughs.

"Fuck you," I almost spit.

"You and Kim, how the hell is that supposed to work?" He pauses. "But you already know that don't you, you already know that there's no way in hell you guys have future together—"

"You got me alright, my life's screwed up and I know it," I snap. "So what the fuck do you want?"

"I can offer you a world where your mom's hospital bills and surgery will get paid for, a world where you'll get drafted to any team of your choice, a world where you'll be filthy rich and you can get anything you want, when you want it,"

It seemed like a great offer, Mom's life was on the line, my relationship with Kim was flailing, and we'd barely talked to eachother in a week, but then again, this was Kim's father, the man she'd always described to me as mischievous and selfish. And this was Kim's life too, what kind of future could I possibly give her? And more importantly, why would he want to do this for me? Unless—

"Just end things with my daughter, because honestly, man to man, we both know you don't deserve to breathe same air as her,"

"Fuck you," I spit.

"You have 24 hours to make a decision or your Mom dies, you don't get drafted and you spend the rest of your life watching my dear Kimberly excel and meet other men, even better looking and more successful than you,"

He'd walked out of the Cafe after that and I was left a slave to my thoughts. I went back to the hospital and all the doctors could tell me was that Mom was getting worse, and that the tumor was spreading past the left hemisphere of her brain. I sneak watched Kim at her dorm and she was having fun with a friend, some guy I knew would never dream of having her but still— he was exactly the kind of guy she could be with it.

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