Prologue ☽︎ Then

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"I have come to realize making yourself happy is most important. Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right feel any emotion you want, and do what makes you happy."
-- Unknown


8 Years Ago

Freshman Year

A BRITISH HISTORIAN once said, "Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done."

I believe that there's a force that controls us, young people, and it's so full of energy, like a plane on autopilot. A force that enables us to rebel, and do anything just for a release, for a feeling of freedom. It's like sex, you do everything to get to that point, where you're bones are lucid and yet, yet you still feel free, embracing all that insane release.

When my mother dropped me off at my dorm room this morning, I could sense she was about to give me the infamous warning about boys and frat parties and all the crazy stuff college students do, but then she took it back. She'd laughed too, in that mocking way of hers, and she made a statement that made me feel so low about myself, that made me feel like, I'd missed out on the fun parts of my life as a young person.

"You won't even be able to step into the frat houses, Kim, you'd probably faint at the sight of guys with tattoos, and then be rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack, so technically I don't have anything to worry about when it comes to you," she'd sighed. "You've always followed my rules."

She then gave me a stern look and walked out of the dorm building. Claire Summers has never been one to show affection, or at least pretend to love or care about someone. Sometimes I wonder how she even met my father.

So I'm here, proving my absentee, control freak mother wrong. I'm currently doing a keg stand and having so many people cheer around me. I'm guessing they don't even know that I'm a freshman, that literally just got to this campus a week ago.

A guy helps me off the keg stand, and a couple of more people cheer for me, while I stagger around the crowd trying to find my balance. Mother was right about one thing though, I'm a serious lightweight, I can only handle so much alcohol in an hour. That's how long I've been here and I've lost track of how much I've had to drink.

I hate myself for deciding to go to a far college. But I needed a break away from Mom and all her manipulation tactics. Claire Summers is a six time Oscar Award Winning Actress and the CEO of three beauty and clothing brands, and she loves being in control of everyone and everything. And I hate that. So I picked a really really far school just to be away from her.

But then there's Liz, my sister. I promised to protect her from all my brother's bullying and endless pranks, but then I bailed on her, yet again. So she's stuck with him. And I know with Liz, a promise broken is like a friendship revoked, and it might take her a while to believe me the next time I say that I'm never going to leave her. But I didn't abandon her, I needed some space from home, and I know she understands that; but it doesn't stop me from beating myself up about it.

This frat house is a mess. I honestly feel bad for whoever is going to get stuck cleaning all this mess. People loiter around the kitchen, some kissing, some having wordless conversations and others occupied with their phones and red cups.

I make my way towards the stairs, that lead upstairs, to the rooms I think; and I walk slowly, constantly looking behind me like anyone's following me.

Suddenly, I hear a male grunt, followed by a female moan and I freeze in my steps, my body finally noticing that the door right next to me is wide open, and that is where the matching sounds are coming from. I feel my body tremble and then I silently curse my mother for messing with my head on the first day on this campus. I hear another grunt, and a set of incoherent moans and my self respect snaps in half, my eyes darting to the two naked people on the slow creaking bed.

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