Chapter Twenty ☽︎ Jealousy, Jealousy

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I wish I could sleep. I honestly wish. I can't even sleep. And I wouldn't deny that a part of me has been waiting for him to walk through that door and kiss me. I've never ever been this horny. Or maybe I should make the first move, it wouldn't be all that bad right?

Or not.

Or I just focus on thinking about tomorrow and forcing myself to sleep. I texted Liz earlier and she wanted to check in on me, to know if I carried my lady toys. Of course I did, but who needs lady toys when there's a real dick just a door away from me?.

I wonder if it would be the way it was, the way my legs would be shaking furiously afterwards, the way he'd claim me with his kisses, the way he'd cuddle me afterwards, the way it freaking felt. I also wonder why I feel at ease with him all of a sudden. Are we really just friends? Or is there going to be more to this, not that I'm open to any relationship or sex sort of thing- oh god.

Jesus, Kim! Go to bed. My hormones are so active it's not even funny, and as much as I appreciate the biology of the female body, I'd really really love to stop feeling all horny and flustered and go to sleep.

By the time my body finally gets the sleep memo, it's almost 2:30am. My life officially sucks.

☽︎ ☽︎ ☽︎

"Kim!" It's Lee's voice I hear just outside the door. "We need to be out now or we're going to be late!" He yells again. I hurry my bath and I dash into the room, throwing on the most casual couple of clothes. Blue Denim jeans and a Black tank top.

"I'm almost done!" I yell back and I swear I hear him chuckle.

"You still take all your time to get dressed, it's crazy," he says as I open the door, and then he flinches in shock, because he has been caught reminiscing.

"Of course I need to take my time to get clean," I smile and he smiles back. I swear he also looks like he didn't get enough sleep, maybe I wasn't the only one thinking sex all freaking night.

"Come on, the driver's waiting," he stretches his palm to me and on autopilot I place mine in his; he's silent for a moment, and then he squeezes it lightly before we make our way towards the driveway.

He gets the car door for me before the driver does and he helps me in. He's being really sweet this morning, and I think I'm somewhere between stunned and shocked? Or maybe it's just all in my head. Maybe?

It takes us about thirty minutes to get to the place Neil texted us. Today we get to meet the rest of the cast, the props and also we officially meet the executive producers and directors. It's a familiar process to me, but not to Lee, so on the drive, I find myself explaining things to him, which he responds to by nodding and asking the craziest and funniest questions. He also makes me take a selfie to him, which he posts on his Instagram story, and his phone keeps beeping with notifications until he turns it off.

The cast is well..... welcoming. So many of them fawn all over Lee, mostly female and I'm not going to say it doesn't make me jealous, because it does. He achieved all his dreams, without me, some days I think maybe I was the one holding him back. He got drafted two weeks after he ended things, and some painful moments followed after that, moments I don't ever want to relive.

I sneak looks at him and I turn away whenever he looks back at me. My heart storms in my chest, I somehow can't get over how manly he looks, how longer his hair is, how long his lashes are, and how beautiful his body framework is. Most times I'm reminded of how he'd let me paint on him, and we'd end up playing with paint and messing with each other.

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