Chapter Twenty - Elaine

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Six Months Later

"Oh my god, Sebastian? Stop."

I struggle to stop Sebastian from putting his finger into the bowl of cupcake frosting I'd just prepared. If it were me from six months ago, I wouldn't have to struggle to stop my husband from stealing any more frosting from the counter as I'm baking cupcakes but being six months pregnant is a lot more energy-draining than I'd imagined. I mean, I knew it's like this but damn. I can't even do the daily stuff I always used to do so simply back then without having to call for help every fifteen minutes or so. Or, it's probably because I'm not having just one baby.

Oh, wait, did I tell you that we're having twins?

Yeah, so that happened. Rather surprisingly, of course, I'm carrying two babies at once for six months now and my belly is so big and round already, that I look like I'd be in the third trimester now if I was pregnant with a single baby. More, the merrier.

Oh, also, did I tell you that we've been married for 6 months now?

Yeah, so that happened too. We didn't hold our wedding yet, as we initially were planning to, but we're registered as husband and wife and live together now. I only told Sebastian that I wish our babies were a part of the wedding, and he immediately said 'yes'. Apparently, making my wishes come true has become his new duty in life. So much has happened this year in my life, it's insane. It all feels like it's straight out of a fairytale.

"You've been baking a lot lately." Sebastian points out, licking the frosting off his fingers for probably the hundredth time. Watching him do so, I pick up a bit of the pink frosting from the bowl using my finger.

"I think our babies will have a sweet tooth. Every time I eat something sweet, they kick a lot." I lick the cream off my finger, and as I collected it, I feel a medium kick. I touch my belly to feel it happen, making me smile.

Sebastian gets up from the stool and walks to my side of the counter "are they kicking now?"

"Yeah, just once though. As I said, they love it. And all it took was just a bit of frosting!" I chuckle, which soothes down into a sigh when Sebastian pulls me lightly against his body from behind and places his hands on my belly.

He caresses it, to feel a kick or two. In a moment, there's another harder kick. Sebastian smiles at me as he feels it "our babies are gonna be really strong, huh."

"Just like their father," I tell Sebastian, placing a peck on his lips. We both taste like whipped cream now. Just as I have the urge for more of his touch, Sebastian pulls away and walks back to the other side of the island counter. He sits down on the same stool as earlier, and steals some frosting with his finger again, with a very teasing look in his eyes. And I know just what it means.

"Seriously, honey, stop. I'm going to run out of frosting if you keep doing that!" I walk over to him, and he immediately pulls me onto his lap. He then brings his finger with the frosting up to my lips. There's lust flooding his perfect green eyes, and an avid desire for me and my body. So, I obey his command.

I lean my head towards the finger and he puts it into my mouth as I part my lips. We don't lose eye contact as I wrap my tongue around it and lick it clean, leaving no bits behind. When I'm done, he puts his hand to hold the side of my face and kisses me on the lips hungrily. His hot sharp tongue pushes into my mouth, tasting everything I just tasted from the frosting cream on his finger.

"My wife tastes so sweet," Sebastian says as he's kissing me, not pulling away for a second. Every time he kisses me, it's like he hasn't kissed me or touched me in a long time. It's like he's been starving to kiss me, touch me, and feel every inch of me against his skin. Funny, because we kiss every thirty minutes or less. And make love every day. Even after becoming pregnant, we still don't cut down on that. In fact, I think I'm a lot hornier these days. When he's not home and out for work, I can't help but spam him with sexting. I wonder if that's selfish of me. Am I bothering him with that?

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