Chapter Ten - Elaine

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It takes us about 10 minutes to get to wherever the car's taking me. I feel a bit uneasy in the big car where the backseats are empty besides me and the front seat is hidden behind a window of some kind. It rolls down each time I want to ask them a question. They roll it back up every time they answer me, with a single sentence. It feels like I am being taken to meet someone highly urgent and confidential to make a very huge deal of some kind that if any outsider heard of, would get killed or disappeared off the face of earth at an instant.

The car stops as it reaches a huge museum. Yes, a museum. Sebastian's waiting for me at a museum? Quite a spot for a first date. It's a huge, old museum with Victorian style architecture. It's gotten quite late, so all the lights are on and it looks beautiful. I've never been to a museum except for a field trip back in elementary school. I dart my eyes around to see if Sebastian is anywhere near, but there's none. Not a person except men in black suits and black glasses. Soon, I guessed they're the mafia. Or, to be more exact, Sebastian's men. They are all standing on a vertical line across the stairs and the entrance.

Leon helps me out of the car as he opens the door and lends me an arm. I step out, carefully getting off with my dress. The dress is so delicate, I can't help but worry about handling it from time to time. As I get out and fix my posture, Leon stands by the car straight and gestures me towards the entrance.

"The trail of rose petals will lead you to where you have to go."

"Huh?" I look at the trail of  rose petals scattered all the way up to the stairs. This is all so grand already, I am giddy with excitement. 

I give a soft smile over to Leon, but he doesn't respond with anything. As usual. So without a word, I begin to follow the trail of petals to where I have to go. Lifting the skirt of the dress up a bit with my hands, I step on the first stair.

Eventually, I get inside the museum. The interior is breathtaking and the paintings on the wall are beautiful, of course. They are oil paintings that are centuries old. My ears are elated, on the other hand, with the orchestra music that's echoing through the hall. I'm completely mesmerized, admiring the framed paintings and following the trail.

I soon notice that the museum is fully empty. There's no one but me here. I gulp my throat at the emptiness of the place, how big and grand it all is, but then I'm reminded of how Sebastian is waiting for me at the end of this trail I'm having to follow. I feel comfortable, and I cannot wait any longer to see him so I start to take larger steps.

"Sebastian?" I call. My voice resonates through the place. There's no response. No other noise besides the strings of an orchestra band and the sounds of my steps against the marble floor. I wish he'd reply, but maybe he's still quite far away. I pause as I notice the trail of petals is now leading to the hallway on my left. And so, I do as it tells me. The music is getting louder, as if I'm getting closer to it. Maybe I'm closer to Sebastian too. It shouldn't be much further now.


I begin to fasten my speed, practically running.  My patience is running extremely low. I'm holding my dress in my hands, almost tripping from running on these heels on a slippery floor.

"Sebastian! Where are you?" I yell and pant, hoping that he can listen to me.

And then, a dead end. I stop, my heavy breathing echoing. The trail ended right before I entered the room and I didn't notice as I ran. I look around and it's also empty. No Sebastian. My heart drops as the realization hits me.

There's a huge chandelier hanging from center of the ceiling, and I see the pictures of winged angels, goddesses and golden embellishments surrounding it. The room is dope-shaped, cream beige walls, and sultry Victorian architecture designs flourishing with beauty. And then, my eyes shift on to the tall sculpture standing right underneath the chandelier.

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