Chapter Eight - Sebastian

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I hate to leave her like this. And the timing, too? Disastrous. I was intending on staying with her, fucking each others' brains out all day and night, but then, I got a phone call from Leon.

"Boss, good to see you back." he tells me as I get out of my car "he's all yours."

"Good work."

As I enter the mansion, noises of punching and kicking mixed with the groans of a man pollutes the atmosphere. I turn to the left to see three of my men beating up a middle-aged guy to the ground. Leon gestures them to stop, and they do so instantly. I walk up to the couch and sit down with a leg on top of the other, one of the butlers immediately handing me my daily cup of dark coffee.

I take a light sip, the warm rich taste soothing my tongue. I curl the side of my lip and raise my cup a little at the butler, to let him know that the coffee's fine so he can get back to work. Usually they get me the way I like my coffee, but they still wait for my validation because my dad wasn't like me. He was picky, had a very particular taste for his food, and was rarely ever satisfied with what they served him. He'd often break cups and utensils if he didn't like the food, and they'd have to instantly go back to make a better one. Lots of the ways things go in this house are still all altered for my dad.

I'll have to make the adjustments someday soon. Especially soon, if I'm intending on bringing my Elaine to live with me in this big empty house of grandeur and death. Mostly grandeur, not to fret. The deep and dark Mafia businesses mostly stay outside these grounds.

"You don't look too good," I lick my lips and place the cup down on the table beside the couch "Mr. Woodburn."

The old man pulls himself up to his knees. His nose is possibly broken, bruises plaster across his hands and legs, and there's blood coming out of his teeth and nostrils. Some of his teeth is gone.

"M-Mr. Miquel...!" he exclaims, his body trembling as he speaks "It's been a while, h-hasn't it?"

"Don Miguel," I correct him "and yes, it has been a while. Mostly because you ran away, didn't you? You attempted to get away from me, so you wouldn't have to pay back the money anymore, isn't that right?"

In a minute of waiting for his response, he puts his hands up together and begins to rub them.

"P-please, Don Miguel! Please don't kill me! I didn't mean to run away, I was trying to earn enough money so I could pay it all back to you at once! Just..." he begs "I'd just like some more time. Two months will be more than enough!"

I cackle "Two months, huh?"

"Y-yes! Please, have some faith in me. One last time, I promise!"

"Mr. Woodburn..." I get up from my seat and shove my hands in my pockets, taking a step towards him "I didn't get my men to bring you here just for some money. Money's not the problem at all."

"Huh?" confusion plasters his face.

"It's an etiquette, as much as I hate it. But it must be done. So!" I clap my hands together and crouch down to come to his eye level "I'm asking your permission-- to give me the hand of your daughter, Elaine Wood, for marriage. With me."

He crosses his brows and narrows his eyes "I don't understand."

"I said," I sigh "I'm asking, your permission, to give me the hand of your daughter-- so she can marry me!"

I yell the last word in his face, that makes his body jump.

"Do I have to repeat it again? For the millionth time?"

"No! no, I mean..." he tries to avoid my eyes "how do you know my daughter?"

"That wasn't my question, was it?"

"It wasn't! It wasn't. I'm just..." he blinks his eyes a couple times and says "but... M-marriage? You want to marry my daughter?"


"If you marry her," he gulps his throat "will my... debt be considered repaid?"

"Out of question, Mr. Woodburn!" I yell, making him jump again. It delights me to see him scared like that, as much as I shouldn't. But this man...

This man ruined Elaine's life. Her father.

I had to do some research. I didn't want to, but my heart felt uneasy not knowing why she's living the sort of life she is. A thousand part-time jobs, even at shady places she doesn't deserve to have to go to, and the fucked up apartment she lives in due to its low rent. That neighborhood is filled with goons and people who could hurt her anytime they wanted. I couldn't bear seeing her like that any longer, so I told Leon to do some searching.

He found out that her dad left her mom and her at a young age because he was addicted to gambling. 5 years ago, only months before my dad died, he took out a big loan of a hundred thousand dollars and was on the run from a couple people he owed from gambling and losing everything he ever had. The house his family lived in, Elaine lived in, was seized as well. Elaine lost her mom, and then she had to earn for herself and survive alone. She even told my men she'd be paying back the money her dad owed, despite of how much hatred she must have for her absent father.

This man deserves death. He doesn't deserve to live anymore. Only then I can truly feel peace for my woman. The hard life she had to lead all this time breaks my heart to a million pieces and I don't think anything else ever made me this angry in my life. My blood boils when I think about it.

I look at this man, his face not having even a tad bit of shame. He's battered, bruised, busted and wrinkled. His clothes are torn and ragged. His words makes me think he'd agree no matter what type of an asshole asked to marry his daughter if it only meant his benefit. It all makes me so mad.

"You're giving me permission..." I get up on my feet eventually "aren't you?"

He quickly replies "Yes, yes! You can marry Lainey. Anytime you want! I'm sure she'll love to marry you too! You'll take good care of her, right?!"

"That won't be a problem." I turn around and pick up my coffee. It's gone cold, so I chug it all down at once.

"So, I don't have to pay you anymore, right? The debt is settled, right?!"

I begin to walk out of the room, and then I pause.

I scoff "I never said that. Good day, Mr. Woodburn."

With one single hand gesture, the men get back to beating him up. He wails out for help, stupidly enough, while he's getting botched under my roof. Under the roof of the House of Miguel.

"It's ready, sir. What you ordered yesterday?"

Leon hands me over a little brown leather box, with a ring inside. One I'd carefully got custom designed the other day. It arrived earlier than I expected.

Tomorrow's a big day.

Tomorrow, I give it to her.

To be continued...

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