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"Mr. President! The Valur Empire has declared to invade Mineas! What should we do? At this rate, if Mineas falls, that hegemonic empire will only be a step away from our borders! " A man who was sweating profusely while reporting on a man who looked like he was in his late 20's and had a complicated face after hearing the news.

"It's crazy that our nation has technology that enables us to reach the stars but is scared of the pre-industrial era nation. That's funny, Ha~~. " Then he sighed while massaging his temples. "Darn it, how many troops they have?."

"Mr. President, according to what we've heard as proclaimed by the emperor, an 80,000-man invasion force, mostly equipped with muskets, including the rare 800 mages, or so-called magical troopers, is coming. Additionally, they should be accompanied by an estimated 2,000 cavalry. We didn't know about the air power, but they should be deploying those large falcons with an average speed of 120 kph, and their numbers shouldn't exceed a hundred." 

"Didn't this country have a population of 70 million? I can't tell whether 80,000 men is a large number or not in terms of the size according to their territories and population." He muttered uninterestingly, then cracked his neck while looking at the pile of papers he had yet to sign or reject.

"I believe Mr. President is due to their current situation on the borders being quite volatile and their exceedingly large colonies with their abnormalities in terms of population ratio. Their colonies have an estimated population of over 60 million, while their homeland has only around 10 million. Thus, they are reluctant to deploy a much larger force in the mineas and, lastly, Mr. President, take this matter more seriously because the lives of our people are at stake." The person gave up after being subjected to the piercing serious gaze of his subordinates.

"Alright, call everyone for an emergency meeting at the Loval Assemblage Hall."

"Right away Mister President." The subordinate immediately left politely, and the person who called as Mr. President clearly had an annoyed expression.

"Holy cow! Where did I go wrong? Shit! I'm doomed together with this region if mineas was got conquered! Argh! The plan should make them back off, not attack mineas!." He scratched his head, then he tried to calm himself down. After the tantrum, he made himself look composed and neat and went to get out. He was immediately escorted by agents of the executive protection division, which was one of the privileges he enjoyed.


Loval Assemblage Hall

Over 40 people are currently waiting for the president to come. Most of them are anxious about the international affairs and movements of a hegemonic empire that is only a few hundred kilometers from their borders.

"You're major of the Nevis right?."

"What is the president will going to do?."

"Should we make concessions with the empire without fighting?."

"Do we really need to intervene?."

There are numerous different voices and discussions flying around here right now. Until the arrival of the president, which silenced them, and also signaled to everyone to stand as if paying homage to their president.

"The President of the Cignus Federation, His Excellency Oliver Lauenberg, has arrived."

Then a man in his late 20's slowly walks on the red carpet, and when he finally reaches his seat, in his back is a large flag with the features of a sword, which represents strength and resolve, olive branches, which represent peace and prosperity for their nation, and two equal horizontal bands of white and olive green. Olive green symbolizes peace, harmony, and sophistication, while white represents their people as citizens of Terra, their former world, also known as Terra Server for their president.

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