Roundtable Respite #4 Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Six women was an awful lot, though Irina had her suspicions that their beloved Tarnished had even more than that. Three and three... was much more manageable. And after hearing what the others had gotten up to, Irina knew she wanted the same.

Pulling back from the kiss after a moment, Irina pants, and whispers.

"Sir Tarnished. I know I do not deserve to ask anything of you, after all you have done for me. Once upon a time, I thought to marry you. But you are Lady Nepheli's Consort now... and a man of many lovers besides. I would be happy just to be considered one of your women... and if it pleases you, I would be happier still to bear your child."

There. Tis said. There's no taking it back now, even if he rejects her, even if he- Irina blushes, as she feels his lips on hers, and the nod that he gives through the ensuing kiss. His hands fall to her hips, and the next little while, she finds herself clinging to her Tarnished for dear life as he takes her and truly makes her his woman.

When he finally spills his seed inside of her, Irina is pleased. Beyond pleased, even. If nothing else, she will always have a part of her Tarnished with her. If nothing else, she will be sure to give birth to a good, strong child for him, and raise them in their father's image. The start of a new noble family, at that, an heir to the newly established Seat of Morne.

Yes... but all of that was in the future. For now, as his essence fills her to the brim and he slowly pulls her off of him and lays her down on the bed, Irina just smiles and relaxes. Next will likely be Zorayas... but the other woman does not need her help. They've talked about what Zorayas will do. The Tarnished is in for quite a surprise, heh...


Zorayas blushes, when the Tarnished turns away from his time with Irina to regard her. She'd been in the form of Rya, when he first entered the room. But now... now she was in her true form. Her natural, Snakeborn form. It had taken quite a while for the ex-Volcano Manor scout to accept the truth about herself. Irina had been a big help, in that regard. So had Lady Loux.

It was still hard for Zorayas to fully accept that she... well, that she was worth something, even as she was now, in this scaled body. But they'd assured her she was no monster, and that just because she was inhuman, she did not need to hide her true form. And they'd assured her that the Tarnished did not care what body she took.

... Zorayas could admit it now, after such a long period of introspection, that this was the form she was most comfortable in. She felt confined within the human body that Lady Tanith had so graciously helped her create, and while she would always be grateful to her adoptive mother for her assistance, there was no denying that taking her true form was... freeing.

Still, here and now was the moment of truth. Standing before the Tarnished as her true Snakeborn self, Zorayas' tongue flicks out, tasting the air nervously.

"Brave Tarnished... I greet you once more in my true form, as my genuine self... Zorayas. This serpentine form, it is the one that feels the most natural to me. It would... please me to lay with you, while wearing this flesh. But if you c-cannot, I will understand. Merely indicate as much to me and I-!"

Zorayas cuts herself off mid-word, as he strides up to her and beckons her to lean down. She does so, only for him to plant a chaste kiss, right on her snoot. Zorayas goes brighter red still, and reaches up to cautiously touch where he kissed, even as he grins at her. Eyes darting down, the Snakeborn gasps at seeing just how... aroused he is. There is no evidence that he hates her in this form. No sign that he does not appreciate her current body.

Letting out a shuddering sigh and resisting the urge to do a little dance for joy, Zorayas moves to the edge of the bed. Bending over it, she presents herself to him, looking back over her shoulder at her Tarnished as she lifts up her thick, albeit stubby tail. While much of Zorayas' body is covered in scales, there is a soft, fleshy underbelly to her. Said underbelly continues down from her actual belly to her crotch and thighs.

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