"How about we play a game instead?" I offer.

His pout fades and is replaced with a smile and a head nod.

I pull out a handful of wheat from a large bag and drop it in a pile on the table. Jacks eyes look at the pile with a skeptical expression.

"The game is Pickup sticks."

The door from the entryway closes, signaling Zoey is here.

As soon as I see her face, I notice her watering eyes and red cheeks.

My jaw ticks as I look over to Nik. What did you do?

He only shrugs.

"What's wrong, baby?" I hold out my arm for her to crawl her little body under.

A small sniffle hits my ears, flooding my heart with water.

"One the kids who lived in the group home with me passed away yesterday morning. I just found out today." Her blue voice cracks slightly.

Her head rests on my chest as I hold her. I look back up at Nik and I can automatically tell he had no idea.

"Doll? What happened?" Wyatt asks, rushing down the stairs.

"Someone she was close to passed away yesterday." I fill him in quietly.

His eyebrows turn up as the worry lines on his forehead settle in.

It's going to be alright, baby. I got you.

I hold her close to me as I lead her into the living room and sit her on the large grey couch, supporting her back with some pillows and throwing a soft, white blanket over her body.

The bags under her eyes tell me just how hurt she is by someone who is no longer in her life. A person like me is used to losing people I've known left and right. But her, a human, isn't used to it. It's sending her emotions eschew, causing pain where pain should not present itself.

Minutes later, Wyatt comes in with a cup of steaming tea, which by the smell of it is chamomile and honey with a small plate of cookies.

I rub her leg and her eyes flutter open, lighting up when she sees what Wyatt has.

"Thank you." She smiles, showing off those cute dimples I love.

Nik comes in and switches the TV on then sits on the other side of Zoey, pulling her to him so he can support her weight.

"Tell us what happened, love." Nik twirls her blonde hair between his fingers.

She stutters before answering, "she was found in her bed, in her home. Police say it was a suicide, that she slit her wrists."

A long breath leaves her mouth, "she wouldn't have done that." She finishes.

"Well, baby, sometimes people suffer in silence. She may have never told anyone she was depressed." I try to help her cope with losing an old loved one.

"No, she was always happy. Even when she was denied food in the group home, she would say 'tomorrow is another day to live', she never showed any of the signs." A tear rolls down her cheek, Nik holds her closer to him in attempts to help her relax.

Humans can be so pure.

"Which direction?" Wyatt asks curiously.

My stomach twists, "dude." I sigh, knowing she shouldn't have that picture in her head.

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