39 - a few more seconds

Start from the beginning

I didn't have anything particular in mind. I just felt pain. And anger. And as cliche as it sounds, I let it go onto the canvas. The first painting I ever painted was a silhouette of a man drowning in the redness of rage and anger, and the darkness of pain and loss.

My mom was surprised. She loved it. Told me I shouldn't stop. So when I felt like life had me by the throat, I'd take it out on the canvas.

Funny enough how many times that's happened.

"Smells amazing in here." Ma gushes as they turn the corner.

Thankfully I had slipped back into the kitchen.

"Almost ready." I smile, looking over at Lina.

Lina was beautiful without trying. Her short hair was against her shoulders, a purple top complimenting her fair skin and going with her dark jeans. She had little makeup, but she looked gorgeous. Made my heart skip a beat.

She eyes me, narrowing her eyes a bit as she takes a seat on the table. I just wink, turning my attention back to the food.

It only took a few more minutes before I was setting plates in front of them, ma smiling at me.

"Thank you, amore."

"Your accent is so beautiful," Lina gushes to my mother. "Like, so beautiful. That's Italian, right?" When my mom nods, she smiles. "Sounds like when we were in Italy."

Lina looks up at me, and I can tell what we had done was flashing through her mind, cause her cheeks turned a soft shade of red and her breathing changed a bit.

I grin.

"Yeah, I grew up there. But moved to the states when I met Hayden's father."

"Lucky man." Lina smiles.

Ma gives her a grateful smile before pushing her fork into her plate. I watch Lina as she eats, never taking my eyes off her beauty. I could never get tired of watching her.

Ma and Lina chatted casually until ma asked Lina about her plans after school, and I could tell that question made Lina uncomfortable. Her whole demeanor changed, so I was quick on my feet.

"I'm gonna show Lina something," I press my hand to her back. "Love you."

Ma nods. "Love you."

I guide her up the stairs, all the way til we were close to my room. But I stopped, took a breath, and opened the door.

This door is mostly hidden from plain sight. It's hiding behind the steps that leads up to my room. So I thought it was perfect for a secret art room; one where I can vanish off to if I needed to.

I inhale and flick on the light. Lina steps in behind me, her eyes immediately looking all around us at the art covering the walls. She steps in further, placing her hand on a painting I did of a woman crying, fading into her sorrow, tracing her finger over it.

She goes down and down, looking at each one, her eyes wide. Man, what I'd do to have mind reading powers.

"I, uh, tried to find a better way of controlling my anger." I say, pushing a hand through my hair. "This room wasn't being used, and so I just made the whole thing my canvas."

She smiles, pressing her hand against the wall. "I can see you're still working on it."

I chuckle lightly. I may have gotten angry once and punched the wall. Hurt my hand like a bitch, but it helped me realize violence wasn't gonna solve my problems.

"Trying to." I shrug. "I'm trying to be better."

For you, Lina. Only you.

Lina turns to me, shaking her head. "You can't stop this, Hayden. This is incredible. You're incredible."

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