3 - i know i did

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Why did I think messing with Lina was a good idea? I mean, I hadn't intended to even say anything to her.

And yet, I couldn't seem to stop my mouth.

Did I notice that Lina tends to take off early from Brooks' games? Sure. Did it bother me some? Sure. But what in the actual hell possessed me to call her out on it?

Fuck if I know.

She stormed out of there and for a moment, I felt guilty. Just a moment. But I did mean what I said about family sticking around and supporting each other.

So why do I feel guilty?

I saw, for a split second, her mask fall and saw how the words affected her. Maybe that's why. But I meant what I said, so tough shit if her feelings got hurt.

"Hey!" Brooks says, breaking me free from my thoughts.

"Nice shots tonight, bro." I compliment.

He pushes his hand through his wet hair. "Thanks, man. Felt good tonight."

"Your sister riding back with you?"


Why the hell did I just ask that for?

"Nah, she texted me saying she split a little while ago." He shrugs. "Probably at home already."

I don't say anything, because I'm not even sure why that came out of my mouth.

"Still coming for the after party?"

I nod. "Of course."

"Alright," Brooks smiles. "I'll see you in a few?"

I nod again, which Brooks accepts as the end of the conversation and gets in his car. I do the same, climbing into my modest mustang, and start it up.

I could go straight to Brooks' place, but I'm actually pretty damn hungry. So I make my way to Dairy Queen and order some chicken tenders and a milkshake. I'm able to scarf down the chicken tenders within minutes, along with the fries. I'm happily sipping on my strawberry shake once I finally pull into Brooks' driveway.

Cars were scattered around the road, parked and obviously already inside. I grab my keys and slip them into my pocket as I make my way inside. I'm just a few steps behind a big group of students, so I'm sure I'd easily blend in.

Not really in the let-me-scope-out-the-party-and-see-who-I-can-fuck mood.

I hear obnoxiously loud laughter, making me halt in my steps. I really didn't wanna be here tonight. Honestly, I really wanted to be home, practicing my—

Oh, shit.

The sight of Lina Andrews was normally something that didn't phase me.


There are nights like tonight when she dressed up—or whatever the hell it is that makes her look like that—and it stirs something in me.

Her eyes catch mine the moment mine lands on her, and the disgusting look she gave me was comical. But that's not what I'm interested in.

My eyes greedily soak her in, and fuck, was I really liking what I saw. She had a black top on that didn't cover her shoulders, and I can only imagine how much of those glorious tits are left to be uncovered. Like, fuck, they were just out there, begging for attention—my attention. Her skirt looks like it barely covers anything as is and looks like if she spreads her legs in the slightest, the fabric would rip.

What's Mine | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें