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I never stay the night when I hookup with a girl

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I never stay the night when I hookup with a girl.

I never let her try to convince me to lie in bed and cuddle, never give into my exhausted state and relax with them afterwards.

And I have never, ever brought one of them up to my room. Ever.

Lina was the first.

She was the first girl I broke my no-cuddling rule for, the first girl I stayed with after having sex. And in all honesty, she is the first girl who made me feel so alive, so good during sex—and even better after.

I was riding on cloud nine forever after our little adventure last night. I swear, nothing could bring me down from it. I kept looking over at Lina, her beautiful, naked body sleeping peacefully beside mine and it made me content.

I was happy.

I never thought three months ago I'd be saying I was completely and utterly happy because of Lina Andrews, but I am.

She just gets me. Sexually, mentally, emotionally, she gets me. We're somehow always on the same wavelength, and it's scary at times, this overwhelming feeling that squeezes my heart when I look at her.

But I enjoy it, too.

So when I stirred awake to the feeling of her soft hands roaming my body, my body was already responding to her.

I somehow ended up facing the other side while I was asleep, so she was against my back. Her fingers traced over something tender on my back before her roaming hands circled around my waist, her finger messing with the hair I had on my lower stomach leading much, much lower.

My heart was already pounding and she was hardly touching me. She moves closer, her naked body pressing directly against mine. Goosebumps spread across my skin as she kisses my back.

"I didn't even realize I did that to you." She whispers. "I'm sorry."

It was still dark, the lamp in the room our only source of light. "It's okay. You marked me. Shows just how good you were feeling."

"I'm still feeling good," her voice drops seductively, as does her hand.

My breathing shudders as she grips my cock in her hand and starts to pump me slowly.


"Shh," she kisses behind my neck. "Let me make you feel good."

Her hand tightens around my dick as she starts moving quicker up and down my length, my dick starting to throb with the need to come for her.

"Your body reacts to me just like mine reacts to you." Lina breaths, her other hand gripping onto my shoulder. "You can't seem to stop wanting me just as much as I want you."

Her thumb flicks over my tip, my body shuddering. "I never denied that."

She kisses my neck again, moving faster up and down, her nails gently scraping underneath as she does, which feels so damn good.

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