Chapter 9 - A New Day

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It was a new day and everyone was outside, setting the table for breakfast while you sat down, thinking about what you saw in your dream last night. 'Who was he?' You asked yourself in your thoughts. You kept touching your lips, thinking about the kiss that Elaine gave you. You started to blush, covering your face and groaning. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Elizabeth asks you. "Yeah, just peachy." You respond. You didn't need to make anyone worry for you because you couldn't comprehend what you saw last night and besides, it was a dream. Which means, it wasn't real, it couldn't have been, right? "Hey Ban!" You heard Meliodas ask. "Did you just have another spare?" Looking at the new red jacket he had on. "Nah, went into the village to get another." Ban answers. "Stole, you mean." Meliodas says, correcting Ban. "This looks so good!" Hawk says, looking at all the food. "Hawk, find your manners." Diane tells the pig. "I think it's bad manners to sit like that." Elizabeth tells Diane. "Oh, right!" Diane says, changing her position.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Gowther! Please, lend me your assistance in saving the kingdom from the Holy Knights." Elizabeth asks. "No." He answers. "No?" You and the other exclaim. "This isn't the first time we've met." He says. "Really?" Elizabeth asks. "Yes, we crossed paths once in Ordan and you met us when you were a child." "Really?" She asks again. "Well, what do you know? So, she was the runt around the king." Ban says. "Wow, I totally don't remember that." Diane says, giggling. "Hey, maybe you should be a little nicer to Her Highness?" King tells Gowther, whispering. "Do you think you could tell if I met Sir Meliodas before all this?" Elizabeth asks Gowther. "Of course you have!" Meliodas says, cutting in. "Well, what do you say, Gowther? Wanna join us?" "I suppose I should." He answers. "Great! And with you, our Sin count is up to five. Let's get drunk to celebrate!" Meliodas says, raising his arm into the air.

Suddenly, it was evening and you all were drinking and eating. "Hope you brought your A-game, Captain!" Ban says, drunk. "Less talking, more drinking!" Meliodas replies. "Hey, eat." You tell Gowther. "I'm sure we have something you might like." "I have no preference when eating." Gowther responds. "Then, you can have some of my food, if you want." You tell him. Gowther agrees and eats some of your food, having a light tint of pink on his cheeks.

"'I'm so moved. I was starting to think that I'd never get reunited with the others again.' That's what you were thinking, right?" Meliodas asks Gowther, while you eat some food. "I was noticing that we all aren't from the same species." Gowther answers. "Huh, I guess you're right." Meliodas says. You offered some food to Gowther who gladly ate it. "So Gowther..." Meliodas starts, the atmosphere around him is serious. "Ten years ago, when we were framed for killing the grandmaster, do you happen to ----?" Meliodas was cut off by a shock in his neck. Seeing a light from Gowther's finger going through his neck. "I know what you want to ask. Your memory of the event is hazy, incomplete. You wish to know who assaulted you when we fled." Gowther sums it up. "Do you know?" He asks. "It was the Boar Sin of Gluttony - Merlin." This piqued your interest. "Merlin, but why?" Meliodas asks. "I do not know. I have heard several rumours about her, but none of them seem to be true. And whenever I would get close to the truth, she would disappear again." "It sounds like she doesn't want to be found yet." You say, them noticing what you said but not saying anything.

"Hey, you guys!" Ban says, drunkenly and grabs Gowther to his side. "Wouldn't you know, Gowther was able to identify King by his body odor!" "Along with his bone structure and tone." Gowther adds. "Actually?" You ask. "I'm curious, let's all have a smell." Ban says, grabbing King and putting him in the middle of everyone. "It's kind of sickly sweet, isn't it?" Ban asks, a bit disgusted by the smell. "Like flowers!" Hawk adds. King was about to interject, but everyone surrounded him and started smelling him, even you. "It smells so familiar." Diane says. "Just what you'd expect from the Fairy King!" Elizabeth says. "He smells so sweet and fruity." You add. 'Y/n's face is so close!' King freaks out. "Guy's, knock it off! If you crowd me like that..." King starts, but changes into his other form. You all sniff again and get a different scent. "Now he smells kind of sour." Ban says. "Like sweaty socks!" Hawk adds. "It can't be that bad!" King yells. "Gross man." Ban tells him, smirking. "Don't let him get to you, King!" You tell him. "What's the big idea ganging up on me?" King yells, mad. "I didn't do anything to you." Gowther says. "Of course, you did! You started this mess, so do something about it!" King yells at Gowther. "Very well." Gowther says, lifting his hand and sending a shock to everyone's neck. "Diane, you claim to be 29 feet tall, when you're actually 30 feet. The fudging of your weight is even more severe---" "What is wrong with you, Gowther? Why do you have to go and be so mean?" Diane yells while pummeling Gowther with her fists.

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