Chapter 22 - Ban's Journey

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Walking along rocky terrain, Ban and King were walking in silence before Ban made a smart comment toward King, as small daggers pierced into Ban's head, blood spewing out.

"Who are you to walk? You have Elaine to think about. So what's with that?" King smirked.

"Oh, right. Well..." Ban swiftly turned around, using his nunchucks to slice a rock near them, demolishing it and showing Jericho.

"Uh, hey!" She stuttered.

"Uh, Janko, right?" Ban inquired.

"It's Jericho!" She yelled, walking toward the two males.

"Fine. Well, Jericho, what are you doing here?"

"Well, it seemed like you were headed off somewhere. I wanted to know where, so I kinda followed you." She crossed her arms, looking away.

'Kinda? She must've walked 20 miles.' King said to himself.

"You got a problem with that?"

"Maybe. Why follow me in the first place?" Ban asked.

"Whatever the reason, it's your fault! So take some responsibility and bring me along!" She yelled at him.

"Man, you're a pain, aren't you?" Ban started to walk off, Jericho following after as King flew to his side.

"Ban. What did you do?" He whispered.

"I stripped her naked this one time. No big deal." Ban answered, remembering Baste Prison.

"What? How is that not a big deal?" King exclaimed quietly.

Fog started to run over their feet, becoming denser and heavier, obscuring their vision, making the two males stop.

"Huh? Where'd all this fog come from?" Jericho asked, nervous as she ran next to Ban, holding onto his arm.

"Yeah. I don't remember asking you to come grab my arm." Ban remarked.

"I can't help it, you jerk! I don't wanna get separated!" Jericho retorted. "At this rate, we can't even take a step forward."

"Calm down. We're fine." He told her.

They stayed still as the fog stayed around them before dispersing slowly, showing them in a new location as a big tree with cherry blossoms stood in front of them.

"What is this place?" Jericho asked, looking from where she was standing.

"The Fairy King's Forest." Ban answered.

"It's true," King started. "I sense the same magical power from the Great Tree as I do from that young one. I can't believe it. I thought the Fairy King's Forest was gone. But it's still alive." King wiped tears from his eyes as the three continued their journey.

"Whoa! This place is huge." Jericho observed as they walked along a huge root in the Great Tree.

"It's the Fairy King! Look!" A voice from afar announced.

"What are those things?" Looking up at the three fairies.

"Yes, you're right!" Another said.

"Let's go say hello." The third offered.

"I know them. Ende! Melik! Cisca!" King yelled, flying toward them.

The three fairies' happy look changed into one of shock and disgust once they saw King.

"Why are you in the forest?" Melik asked.

"You're nothing but a traitor, Harlequin!" Cisca yelled.

"You turned your back and deserted us 700 years ago, leaving Lady Elaine to..."Melik stopped himself before tears would appear.

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