Chapter 28 - An Unexpected Guest

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"Diane, please be okay. We'll find you soon." You said as you looked out the window of the tavern on the moving green pig.

"But still, 300 miles is a lot of ground to cover." Meliodas said as everyone agreed.

"Hey, Merlin, is there any way you can use teleportation?" King asked as he noticed you looking out the window, a sad expression on your face.

"Unfortunately, it's all I can do to keep my soul contained in Aldan." King noticed your expression got worse once you heard her words, making him feel guilty since he brought up the conversation. He looked over to Gowther, who was staring at you, analyzing you would probably be the better word choice. King glared at Gowther, remembering how his words affected you but Gowther didn't seem to notice.

"Not only that, but I'd like to keep a reserve of my magical power for emergencies." Merlin said, guiding King's eyes away from Gowther.

"What do you mean by that?" Meliodas asked. Merlin waved her hand as a map appeared in front of King, Meliodas and Elizabeth. It shows two glowing white dots along their path to Megadoza.

"In the direction Diane's heading, from the ruins of Edinburgh Castle along the way, I'm picking up waves of monstrous evil." This caught your attention as you looked between Meliodas and Elizabeth, seeing the two dots.

'Monstrous evil? She must mean....'


"You're saying you killed Meliodas?" Fraudin, the demon inhabiting Dreyfus' body, asked.

"That's right. I also got rid of the other pesky gnats in his group. But to be honest, the whole thing was really disappointing! Though, one thing made it quite interesting! Remember the girl we saw in the Goddess Seal? She was traveling with them." Everyone's eyes widened once told this information.

"She was?" Melascula asked.

"Yes, sadly I couldn't bring her. She was protected by a Perfect Cube that I couldn't break through. And there was this one intriguing thing about her. Her eyes changed color for a split second. The only person who could ever do that was--" He was interrupted by Zeldris.

"No. She's dead. The girl must have some power. It's obvious she's not a human. But she's not top priority right now. Meliodas is."

"Yes. Is it true that you killed him, Galand?" Fraudin asked. "It seems rather hard to believe you could bring him down so easily."

"Are you doubting me? So you don't trust what Galand of Truth is telling you?"

"No, I'm well aware of your powers. I'm just a bit surprised."

Galand suddenly stood up, sensing something near. "Are you going somewhere again?" Gloxinia asked.

"Just a little walk! It's not in me to sit still like the rest of you." He grabbed his weapon before jumping in the direction of what he sensed.


"I have to tell everyone in my homeland right away. That Matrona protected me until she....died." A few tears streamed down her face as she thought about how Matrona died. She wiped her eyes as they drifted toward the distance, seeing a weird looking tree. "What is that? Never seen anything so strange before. Some kind of rocky mountain?" Her thought process was interrupted by an overwhelming power level.

"How is it that you're still alive and breathing, Giant girl?"

'What is this? It feels like goosebumps all over my body. Who's behind me?' Thoughts overwhelmed Diane as her hands started to shake.

"I'm certain I delivered the final blow. Huh?" Diane suddenly sprinted in the direction of the weird looking tree but something landed on a cliff in front of her. She slid to a stop as she looked at the new enemy.

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