Chapter 29 - Training

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It's only been a few seconds, but Meliodas seems to be going through something terrible as his face scrunches up and his hands turn into fists.

"Is everything alright with Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked, unsure of what was happening to him.

Zaneri started to explain, "This is the Tower of Trials. His trial is to see if he can have his power back. Right now, he's being tested to see if his soul is worthy of receiving the power that was once taken from him."

"Then, would that mean it's harder to restore their power rather than taking it?" You asked.

Zaneri shook her head. "Not really, the real issue is what happens after it's restored." Zaneri then raised her hand as a goblet landed in her hand. She walked toward Elizabeth, handing the goblet toward her, revealing that it was full of soil. "Elizabeth, I'm giving you this as your trial. A diseased flower seed has been planted in this soil. Neither water nor light can make it bud now. Try to make it bloom." Elizabeth looked up from the soil, flabbergasted. "You can't be serious!"

"It should be rather simple. If Druid blood flows within your veins, then you should definitely have the power to heal. If you can't even do this, then you'll never hold your own in battle."

"I'll accept this trial." Elizabeth said, looking back at the goblet.

Zaneri only nodded before turning towards you. "Now, Y/N, follow me." She started to walk in the opposite direction as you looked back at Elizabeth. "You got this, Liz!" Zaneri stopped for a minute once hearing this nickname, but played it off to make it seem like she was waiting for you. Once you made it to her side, she continued walking. As you were walking, you could hear Meliodas' scream in the distance. You looked back, worried.

Zaneri could sense your worry and only responded with, "Ignore him. It's only part of his trial." You nodded, continuing to follow her, but your worry didn't cease. After a few more minutes of walking, Zaneri finally stopped. You stood a few inches away from her, your only view being of her back. She stood silent for a while until you could see shaking. You headed toward her, placing a hand on her shoulder but was taken aback once she abruptly hugged you. You were unsure of what to do as you felt your shoulder getting wet from her...crying? She was crying?

" it really you, Y/N?"

'What? What is she talking about?' You thought to yourself. "Zaneri, I don't know what you're talking about."

"But...but you both have some of the same features and your both have that same look..."

"What are you talking about?" You questioned but then, a thought hit you. "Does this have to do with the voice in my head?"

Zaneri was now confused, asking questions but they were muffled by the voice. "Zaneri..." They said it like they were meeting a long lost friend.

'Do you know them?'

It was silent. Then words were spoken. "Let the grown-ups talk. Why don't you just take a little rest?"

'What are you....' Your thoughts were cut short as you could feel yourself getting drowsy. Pitch black.

It felt like a blink but it must've been much longer than that because Zaneri was now smiling, any trace of tears being long gone.

"Zaneri...what happened?"

"Ah, you're back."

You then remembered what happened. "Did you talk to the voice? What did they say?!" You hurriedly asked questions, desperately wanting answers.

Zaneri looked away, shy from your look. "I'm sorry. I can't tell. But you will know soon enough."

You then groaned, getting fed up with these riddle answers. "Why can't anyone give me a straight answer?"

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