Chapter 10 - The King Has Arrived!

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"King Arthur of Camelot?! What would he be doing in Liones?" Dreyfus asks, alarmed.

"I'll take care of it." Hendrickson says, calmly while planning something. "So, I'm leaving the Sins to you, Dreyfus." "Alright then." He replies.

~Time skip~

"Open the gates!" A knight yells and two large metal gates open slowly. Hendrickson is on one side of the gate, while King Arthur and an unknown person wearing a cloak is on the other side. "I am one of the Holy Knight Grand Masters, Hendrickson." Hendrickson introduces himself. "I understand that you are a king from a nation to our south, but showing up here without sending an emissary in advance is somewhat discourteous, don't you think?" "I am Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot." Arthur says, introducing himself. "I apologize for the rudeness. Years ago, the king of Liones showed me great kindness, and I've come to express my gratitude."

"With an army?" Hendrickson asks, questionably. "I felt as if I wouldn't be granted an audience unless I did so." Arthur replies. The air around the two of them was tense, it was like you couldn't breathe. The unknown person from underneath the cloak shows her arm and snaps their fingers, the army slowly dissolving, showing that it was an illusion. "A most impressive display." Hendrickson says, smiling a little. "Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that the king is bedridden and is currently ill. I must ask that you turn back immediately."

"All the more reason that I cannot turn back." Arthur says, refusing to head back to his kingdom. "My companion here has the ability to cure the king's illness."

"We appreciate your goodwill, but I must insist that you leave right now." Hendrickson presses. "I refuse!" Arthur says, taking off his helmet and smiling. "How dare you-!" A knight starts, but Hendrickson stops them from doing anything further. "What was that?" Hendrickson asks, obviously mad. "Grand Master Hendrickson, it is obvious that you are facing a problem that you prefer to keep from outsiders. But we would be glad to offer you aid in resolving that problem." Arthur tells him, not giving up.

Meanwhile, in the castle dungeons

A whoosh came over you and you felt light-headed, ready to puke. You held it in, thankfully, and took deep breaths. "W-where am I?" You hear Elizabeth ask. "That's a good question." You say, alarming her. She was not aware that you were here with her and this made her worry. She did not want you to get hurt or be in danger because of her. "Y/N! What are you-how did-?" Elizabeth asks, not finding the right question before you cut her off. "Same way you got here - teleportation, and by the way, I hate that." You tell her. "You hate teleportation?" She asks you. "Yes, I almost vomited because of it. I don't know if it was because it caught me off guard or if it's just because I don't like it." You explain. She nods and looks around. "How are we going to get out?" Elizabeth asks. "Well, there's a door in front of us." You both hear another voice say. You both look behind you to see Hawk. "Hawk!" You both exclaim, glad that you at least have this pig with you. He may not be as strong as the Sins, but you were sure that he could help get you guys out of here.

"Welcome back to Liones!" A voice said from behind you both. Out of shock and terror, you turned around and punched whatever said that. You felt your knuckle touch metal and held your hand in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" You yell quietly, trying to suppress the pain. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Elizabeth asks, worried. "Yeah, just fine." You say, still having a pained expression. This pain was not going away anytime soon and you knew that. You even saw a little blood. 'Geez, how hard did I punch her or at least try to punch her?" You ask, looking back at the lady with the weird iron mask. She didn't look fazed or hurt at all from what you just tried to do. "Wait..." It just hit you. "Are you the one that brought us here?" She had the same voice as the lady from the tavern before a bright light enclosed your vision. Elizabeth looked a bit shocked before saying, "Please, take us back to the tavern!" She ran toward her, but she teleported before Elizabeth could reach her.

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