Chapter 1 - A not so normal night

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It was a normal night, as normal for me anyway. I went to sleep , naked, mainly because I find clothes restricting and it gets really hot at night when you're under the covers. I went into a deep sleep. I felt a whoosh of air and fell into water. It felt calming and peaceful, until it felt like I couldn't breathe and I had to wake up. I shot up, feeling sweat drip down off me. I looked around me and saw bright lights.

'I swore that I turned off the lights when I went to sleep.' I thought to myself, confused.

I looked around and saw tables along with a long table near where a bartender makes drinks. I then remembered that I was naked and covered myself. I looked around again and saw no one here.

'Well, that's a relief.' I think to myself, letting myself relax.

I look around one last time, until I see green eyes behind the counter of the bar. To me, it looks like he's analyzing me, trying to figure out what I am. Then I remember that I'm naked, cover myself up the best that I could with my hands and hide behind a table.

"Pervert!" I screamed at the green- eyed boy, glaring at him.
"S-sorry." He said.

After he apologized, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

'Looks like other people live here too.' I think to myself.

"What's with the screaming, captain?" A light blue haired man said.

"Yeah, I'm trying to sleep." A floating boy said, annoyed.

"Is there something wrong, Sir Meliodas?" A girl with silver hair that covered one of her eyes asked.

"A naked girl popped out of nowhere. She screamed at me for looking at her." The boy, now named Meliodas, says.

"Any girl would do that, captain." The boy that was floating said.

I was analyzing the conversation, when the light blue man teleported in front of me. I tried to cover myself up the best that I could with my arms and legs.

"You're right, captain. She is naked." The light blue haired man said.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me up, while I keep my other arm covering my boobs and my legs close together. I blush furiously, trying to get out of his grasp. After he analyzed me, he let go and I fell down. I felt rumbling from around me. I looked around until I saw a face at a window.

"What's with all this noise?" A giant girl with pigtails asked.

She then locked eyes with me and got mad. She put her hand through the window and tried to grab me. I freaked out and tried to scramble my way out of her hand, but my efforts failed because she grabbed me. She pulled her hand out of the tavern and looked at me. I couldn't tell if she blushed or not because of how dark it was.

"Who are you and what are you doing with the captain?" She asked, angrily.

I looked at her confusingly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Diane, let her go." Meliodas said.

"No. Not until she explains what she was doing with you." Diane says.

"I wasn't doing anything with him. I don't know what's going on. Now, put me down right fucking now!" I yell at her.

She looks shocked, but puts me down. Once she put me down, I glared at her. I realized what just happened and apologized.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." I apologize.

"It's alright. We know you didn't mean it." The silver haired girl said. "Why don't we all get some sleep? It's been a long night."

Everyone nods and starts to go up the steps, until I say something.

"Um, where am I going to sleep?" I ask.

Everyone looks at each other, until Diane speaks up.

"She can sleep with me."

"Really?" I ask.

She nods. The silver haired girl runs upstairs and grabs some clothes and a blanket.

"Here. For when the morning comes."

"Thanks....." I say, trailing off since I didn't know her name.


"Thanks, Elizabeth." I say, thanking her. 

I take the clothes and head outside to where Diane is.

"Hey. When morning comes, you can take a shower where the waterfall is." She said, pointing ahead of me.

I nodded and went to sleep next to her, under the blanket. 

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