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1978, 15 March- Wednesday

"What's up with that?" Corvus asked Polaris as he used both his hands on the back of his cat, Loki. It was obvious the lazed cat was enjoying the attention, being sprawled over his owner's lap, eyes barely open as he purred.

Polaris had been trying to start his essay which was due the next day for charms. Perhaps Corvus himself should be trying to start his charms essay as well, but instead, he had been sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, with his cat in his lap while Polaris debated how to start the introduction, unsure of how this draft should go.

It hadn't been long since the silence had dwelled amongst them as they were sitting in the Great Hall, though the silence between the two of them ended when Corvus asked that simple question that had Polaris curious.

Looking up from the parchment in front of him, he glanced at Corvus who was sitting across from him.

A lot a changed since the start of their second year, which was his hair. His hair was a dark shade of what you would call blonde, which he had cut short, it wouldn't do good having your hair in you eyes after all.

Seeing the head tilted to a specific area he looked to the area of the hall his friend was talking about. He frowned as he tried to see what Corvus was talking about, with his gaze starting from the Ravenclaw table, then to the Hufflepu-

"Where are you bloody looking? The Gryffindor table dumbass!" Corvus interrupted his 'inspection'.

With that, he quickly turned to Corvus, "Who are you calling dumbass, dumbass? What am I even supposed to be looking at? What's so special about the Gryffindor table?" He asked, then he returned his gaze to the Gryffindor table. The table wasn't too full just as most of the tables in the Great hall were. It was only that in the afternoon with a good few students having classes at that moment.

"Nate's over there, with your brother."

His gaze moved again until it finally set on Nathaniel and another person who was indeed his brother. He hummed in response, upon seeing them.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Corvus asked. It was obvious he was bored just being sat there, not feeling bothered enough to just leave the Great Hall alone, so instead of asking Polaris for a spare parchment to start his own Charms essay he took to looking around the great hall to dissipate the boredom.

Polaris shrugged indifferently, looking back to the parchment in front of him. He sighed as he dipped his quill into the ink pot on his right, though the quill didn't meet the sheet just yet. He was unsure how to end the sentence he had barely begun being so indecisive. He was starting to debate why he had taken the extra elective when he could have just chosen two, but instead, he chose four.

Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Arithmancy... and Care of Magical Creatures. Not once had it crossed his mind in his second year to choose that particular subject, not having much interest in the subject. Though he shouldn't complain seeing as it was better than he expected, with their professor as Kettleburn. The lessons were never a bore, then again he wouldn't have minded not taking it altogether.

It was mostly a spur-of-the-moment thing. Like when your friend tells you they're planning on doing something, in your head, you're like 'Huh?' but then you end up saying, 'Why not?'. Perhaps not everyone does, but for some reason he did, that one time and he started to question his sanity for not actually knowing why he decided to go along with it.

Not even his best mate, Corvus chose it. When he had mentioned it in the passing having chosen it, he got laughed at, which got Corvus a hex- It wasn't that bad. Even his brother Regulus had raised a brow at his choice of taking Care of Magical Creatures, finding it odd that he, his little brother, had chosen it.

Polaris BlackWhere stories live. Discover now