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1971, 1 September.

It was going to be Sirius's first year away from his little brothers. More so, he was more worried than scared, rightfully so, if their mother's temper was anything to go by. He didn't want to come back after so long to see his younger brother more corrupt than ever by their mother.

The platform was quite busy, with all the parents seeing their children off. The noise was loud and continuous. Of course, there were families just like the Blacks who were too strict for their own good and didn't exactly show their emotions. It didn't exactly help the fact that Sirius already thought he was hated. Now his parents looked like they could hardly care that he'd be gone for months.

Sirius was beyond ecstatic that he would be away from his parents. The only nagging they could possibly do were through letters, ones he wouldn't bother to read.

Polaris ignored his mother when she told him to stay at her side, unlike Regulus, who listened to each word. Instead, he decided to do the opposite of what his mother had told him, which was a surprise to her. She would definitely be scolding him once they reached home and away from prying eyes as she painted her image in public.

There stood Sirius with his youngest brother Polaris. They stood a few feet away from their parents and their other brother Regulus. They were supposed to have left, but Polaris decided to run up to Sirius to give him a hug. He was told 'Blacks don't show emotion,' but he could care less at the moment seeing as his brother would be gone for a long time, and he just didn't want Polaris to forget him, as he made friends.

Sirius gave his brother a small smile. Crouching downwards, he looked at Polaris at eye level, "Well, I didn't think you'd miss me, but low and behold, the perfect little pureblood is giving me a hug. Now, what would mother say" Sirius said jokingly.

Polaris rolled his eyes at his brother's antics. He lightly pushed his shoulder with a sad face, "Even if I don't show it much, I do like you, Sirius... sometimes, but do try not to get in as much trouble as you do at home", he drawled out.

"Although... I guess I'll miss you to a certain extent, but I'm also glad you'll be gone if that means mother's screeching reduces by approximately 80%," he added with cheek.

Sirius gasped, "Look at you using maths and all to prove your point. I, for one, don't think I'm the cause of mother's raging and her ear breaking screams..." he looked thoughtful, his gaze drifting away.

"-But I'm glad to be away from them if I am to be honest- besides the point. How dare my little brother think that I, Sirius Orion Black, will be getting in trouble, let alone caught," of course, his brother Sirius had to wink after saying the last part.

Of course, he's glad to be gone. He's what he believes to be the black sheep of the family, ironic seeing as we all are a member of the House of 'Black'. He wasn't sure why he felt left out.

Sirius stood up, putting his hand on Polaris's shoulder, "The trains leaving soon. Take care of Reg for me then? Yeah?", He nodded with a small smile.

Before leaving, he ruffled the head of curls on his brother's head, making it messy.

Polaris then made his way to the remaining family... No wonder he ran off. Mother had a scowl on her face and was most likely ready to give him a long speech to scold him for messing up his hair. I watched as he entered the train with his large trolley along with the other students rushing into the train.

Until next time Sirius...

1971, 4 September.

With bored eyes, he watched as his mother threw another one of the new murals against a wall. She was throwing a fit over the fact Sirius had gotten sorted into Gryffindor... shocker. Cousin Narcissa had sent a letter to mother telling her Sirius had not been sorted into Slytherin. He had never seen their mother so angry in years that she felt the need to send a howler.

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