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1976, 14 May- Thursday.

Polaris was beyond confused on how this even started, an argument? With a bloody mudblood? The class had barely begun, he was the first.

It had been a while since he had come to class first, leaving Aaron and Corvus back in the Common Room, but Polaris simply didn't want to sit in the front of the class like last time, because Corvus decided to walk slowly as usual- with that they would get distracted in a conversation, maintaining that pace, of 'slowness'.

It was the last class of the day, which was Potions, a class the Slytherins shared with the Gryffindors.

The so-called 'argument', started with a desk... that's right a desk. First of all, Polaris wished to make it clear that he had gotten to that row, first. He placed his satchel in the middle of the desk, and then just a second later a bag was thrown onto it.

He turned to see a boy in Gryffindor robes, who was frowning at Polaris, he told Polaris that it was his row, not Polaris'. At first, Polaris just assumed it was just some weird joke, the Gryffindor was giving and proceeded to toss the Gryffindor's satchel to the row behind him.

Which, of course, the Gryffindor didn't like and started getting rowdy about it, demanding Polaris move. Polaris of course ignored the boy and sat down in the middle seat of the desk, which only infuriated the Gryffindor.

"Are you even listening to me!?" the boy shouted, sighing in annoyance Polaris turned around, the boy had his satchel in a tight grip, "Well, not really. Say... what's your name?" Polaris spoke. He really didn't know his name, he was obviously a mudblood, seeing as Polaris couldn't recognise him. "Bob Williams!"

"Really? Bob?" Polaris tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't he ended up bursting into laughter, "Your parents named you 'Bob'? do they perhaps hate you 'Bob'-" he burst out into laughter again, he couldn't help it, in all honesty, this was his first time meeting a so-called 'Bob'.

His face went red, "They named me after my grandfather!" Bob shouted.

"Really, then perhaps your great grandparents hated your grandfather." Polaris mused, just as Bob opened his mouth a few more students came in.

They were all Gryffindors, all four of them that walked in, one of them happened to be a friend. Nathaniel Sayre and another happened to be someone he hated, Willow Smyth.

Nathaniel waved at him, "What are you laughing at?" Nathaniel merely asked, "Have you ever heard of the name Bob?" Polaris asked. Nathaniel merely raised a brow, "...Bob? Is it like a pet name? it's an interesting one.." Nathaniel pondered.

"Are you bloody kiddin' me?! Nathaniel, look at me and tell me who I am!" the boy stood in front of Nathaniel, who in turn looked at the boy's robe, and awkwardly stood there. It was obvious Nate had no idea who this boy was even though the school year is almost over.

"You're Carson, aren't you?" Nathaniel said unsurely, the boy let out a shout of frustration.

"That's Bob," Willow dryly contributed, walking towards one of the front rows, which had Polaris raised a brow at.

Nathaniel was slightly startled at the response from Smyth, were they not friends anymore?

Bob seemed to give up even talking, instead opting for sitting down slightly brooding as his arms crossed.

"Nate, we saved you a seat, here!" one of the boys Nathaniel had walked in with called out to him, Nathaniel turned with a smile, "Nice, I call the middle seat!" he responded, giving them both pointed looks.

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