Chapter 27

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1976, 29 June- Tuesday

He was standing in the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters as he set his gaze on his older cousin who was packing the cookies she had made. "I don't need any, let Nymphadora have the rest," He tried telling her. While Nymphadora frowned at him, having turned around from her mother's side, and stood on the stool she had to see what her mother had been doing. The little girl jumped down from the stool, pointing her finger at Polaris.

"Stop calling me that!" the little girl stomped her foot hearing Polaris speak. And Andromeda's lips twitched in amusement trying not to laugh, as she glanced at them both.

"Well I think your name is beautiful, so I don't get why you don't like it... it must be from your father's side of the family," Polaris mused, and this time Andromeda just had to laugh, "She's only three and has already decided she doesn't like her name."

"Because it sounds funny. No one else has a funny name..." she said with a pout, crossing her arms as she did.

"Fine... I'll call you Tonny. Is that better?" Polaris directed at the toddler who seemed rather happy with that as she shook her head. She rushed to her mother's side, "Give me the cookies! I'll give them to cousin Risy!"

He really couldn't understand why she decided t call him 'Risy' instead of just Pol, though he didn't hates it. Though he probably would if it came out of someone else. His uncle Alphard had a good laugh at it so did the other adults seeing Tonny refusing to call him anything buy Risy.

"Ready to go?" Alphard said from the kitchen door.

"Yes. Thank you, Andy," Polaris said looking towards the door Edward had just walked through with his uncle letting him past, "And you Ted. Though I'm still processing a Hufflepuff managed to bag a Slytherin."

He just found it an odd match but then again his grandfather Arcturus married his grandmother Meliana who was a Macmillan a house known for being Hufflepuffs, she herself was a Hufflepuff.

"Polaris," Andromeda said in a scolding tone, though it was obvious she was trying not to laugh, while her husband flushed. All the while his little cousin Tonny was shoving the bag of cookies in his grasp and to a hold of them smiling back at her toothy grin, before she ran off to who knows where.

"You know, I would say a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff are one of the best matches. Odd... but groundbreaking." His uncle Alphard contributed. His Cousin Andromeda nodded, "Without Ted, I don't think I would have had the courage to leave everything the House of Black was known for. I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. I wouldn't have my little Doron, she truly is a gift."

"Well, I suppose it makes me happy that you're happy. You are still my second favourite cousin... though I think you've been pushed down to the third spot with Tonny now taking first." Polaris said smiling, she hugged him again.

This time when she hugged him he didn't feel as awkward as the first one had been. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had been given a hug... it was nice, comforting especially knowing she cared. Perhaps the last one he had received was from his cousin Narcissa though he could barely remember when it would have happened.

His family wasn't exactly, all hugs and sunshine.

"Just know, you will always be welcomed, Polaris. so don't shy away from visiting because you'll always be welcomed, Alright?"

"...Alright." He found himself whispering


"Now unto the next place." His uncle droned out as they arrived at Diagon Alley once again, "Where to?" he asked his uncle who chuckled nervously, "Well, the Potter Manor. Would you like to"

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