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1975, 7 September.

It was finally Sunday, and he could relax a bit from the school work. It was still the morning, yet he felt like he had gotten a lot done regarding his work. Perhaps he would finish it all tomorrow, or perhaps this evening. Likely by this evening, he would have it all done, as well as revise some of the material. He had done most of his homework before heading to the Great Hall.

Two nights ago night was... eventful? Rather a strange one, if he was to say. It was on his mind every since arriving at the Slytherin common room. Corvus was ranting about it, though in a hushed tone, not letting anyone hear after they both agreed they wouldn't mention it to anyone.

The image played in his mind as he distracted himself from sleep. Just laying there, thinking about how his brother had left towards the sound of the werewolf. Why on earth would his brother do that? His brother was an idiot, but seriously? Did he think that low of his life in Grimmauld that he was ready to risk his life?

Was it just a Gryffindor thing? Or perhaps it was a Sirius thing... then there was James Potter, who had run off first, for Sirius to follow behind him. Why was there a werewolf on the school grounds in the first place?!

He hadn't seen his brother yesterday, which was Saturday. Perhaps he had laid in for the day.

He saw his brother earlier this morning, having breakfast. Laughs and loud chatter could be heard from his group of friends. Polaris couldn't say he knew their names, only James Potter. They seemed perfectly fine as if that night had not even happened. It was strange. It was obvious there was more to it than that. There ran towards the sound of a werewolf, for Merlin's sake!

Therefore, Polaris concluded that this werewolf was one his brother knew. It made sense that the werewolf was walking around the halls of Hogwarts, wearing their uniform, attending as a student. The werewolf was a student, one Sirius and the Potter boy were friends with.

The first thing he had done was head to the library straight after breakfast, where Corvus and himself had kept an eye on the Gryffindor, not intentionally, but just the sound of the howl was hunting them.... Dangerous creature they are. 'Dark' creatures, one could say.

Then again, it's not like a werewolf asked to be what they are. A curse it is, one they can't get rid of.

It had been a while since Polaris had walked into the library, which he was yet to familiarize himself with. He started to look for books on werewolves once he entered, scanning.

'This library is utterly pathetic compared to the Black Library. Is this what Hogwarts really has to offer?'

"What are you looking for?" a bored feminine voice asked from behind him, 'what is with people and randomly speaking up from nowhere?'

He turned around to see a girl slightly smaller than him, with light brown hair and blue eyes that fascinated Polaris. They were very distinct in his eyes. They were navy blue, he liked them. Her head was tilted as she looked toward where his hand. He lowered his hand as he looked at her.

She was a Hufflepuff, he observed from her uniform, her yellow scarf proving it.

The girl raised her brow at him, Polaris finally realising he was just staring at her, spoke, "Werewolves", he blurted out.

The girl couldn't help but smile at the unexpected outburst, interest brimming in her gaze, no longer as bored as she was.

"Well, you're not going to find any good ones in this section. The more detailed things are most likely in the restricted section. The Hogwarts library isn't what you'd call great, I don't even like reading, but this, in comparison to the library I have at home, this is just disappointing," she spoke, a frown placed on her face as she glanced around.

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