Chapter 25

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1976, 28 June- Monday

Sometimes it was rather overwhelming. Though it shouldn't be right? what was there to be overwhelmed about. It was just what came with the price of being born a Black. He had a responsibility to uphold, making the House of Black proud, though he rather is like his uncle, Alphard. The idea of travelling the world enticed him. The random and fun adventures his uncle speaks about sound so alluring, something he hoped he can do one day.

It had only been a week since he began his summer holiday, and his mother was already planning a meal. With the several strands of pearls that decorated his mother's neck, it was a means to display the ludicrous wealth.

A day when the home starts to smell more like smoke than anything else, not to mention the horrendous quantity of perfume that lingers in the air for a long time. It was obvious the women were attempting to impress each other.

He peered into his reflection with a bored expression on his face, inspecting what his mother had laid out for him to wear. It was exactly the same thing he'd seen his mother make for his brother Regulus. Over a grey dress shirt and black trousers, a typical black velvet dress robe is worn. Under the collar of his shirt, he wore a black tie.

He tugged at the tie, it felt as though at any moment he would be chocked to death by none other than the tie itself, perhaps if he annoyed Regulus enough his brother would use his wand to tighten it. He doubted Regulus would be annoyed to that extent though he had no doubt his cousin Bellatrix would do so to teach him a lesson. Though he was unsure if she would be in attendance and he was hoping she wouldn't be.

He tugged at it again, before taking it off relaxing his shoulders as he did, frowning at himself in the mirror.

He knew his mother wouldn't have him go downstairs without it on and just with that thought there was one knock on his door giving him no chance to answer as the door swung open revealing his mother who was already dressed expensively.

"You didn't knock, mother...," he found himself huffing, there was something called privacy. She could have at least knocked more than once and allowed him time to answer, he didn't like the idea of his mother seeing him dressing up, it was embarrassing even if she had done it when he was younger.

She huffed dismissing his words, "I told you to be ready. Why isn't your tie on?" she snapped in annoyance before taking it from his grasp. He raised his chin as she began to tie it.

"It was tight mother. Is it compulsory if I wear it? I doubt Si- Could you just have it a bit more loose, please?"

She ignored his words as he suck in a breath- it was tighter. Did she ever listen to him?

"You have to be presentable today, there will be an important guest and I will not have my son looking other than presentable and proper. Do I make myself clear? Though unfortunately for you there won't be many children your age attending, I'm not too sure if any will be present, but you will have you're cousin Narcissa to speak to rather than sulking in the hallways, sauntering about before hiding within your chambers."

"Father said something about an important guest as well, who is it?" Polaris asked as his mother began to fix his hair.

She didn't answer immediately.

"Someone I want you to be polite to. Don't embarrass me Polaris." That was all she said before leaving.

He merely stared at the now-closed door once again tugging at his tie as he muttered under his breath, "What rubbish."

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