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1975, 12 November.

Herbology, it was an interesting subject. Polaris didn't mind it at all. It was a class the Slytherins shared with the Hufflepuffs. It was easy to get along with them, better than sitting in a class full of Gryffindors who just glare at you instead of paying attention.

Though not all the Slytherins took a liking to the Huffpuffs, calling them things like 'duffs' the house where the leftovers go. Though there was something that the Hufflepuffs had in common with the Slytherins that the Slytherins respected. They took care of their own. They were a house known for loyalty, and loyal they were. They might not know your name or your face, but see that yellow on their uniform, they'll help you out.

Hufflepuffs stick together, just as Slytherins stick together. So seeing Slytherins arguing with Hufflepuffs wasn't at all surprising, with one person starting, another comes to back them up, then another from the other house, going on and on with a petty argument of whose right.

"I told you that's wrong! I'm starting to think you're just making it up, refusing to believe I'm correct, and your senile if you think I'm going to back down."

Hearing that, he snorted, turning his head to see the new argument of the day. The arguments weren't drastic if you were to compare them to ones with Gryffindors.

They only had Herbology four times a week. Today was Wednesday, the 12th, their second class of herbology of this week. Unfortunately, today was the day they would be having a 'double' herbology lesson. However, at separate times, there was now the class having yet to begin, as they waiting for their professor and then there was later, after lunch, another hour-long class.

He usually had a set of people he sat with within each class, sometimes mixing it up, going with the flow. Like today he was sat beside Erwin Robbe, a pureblood Hufflepuff who happens to be exceedingly good at Herbology. Usually, he sat with another Slytherin, who Polaris had befriended. Her name was Talia Noel. Though today she wasn't on his right, she was sitting on a different row with another girl in their House.

Erwin was a funny fellow, a rather relaxing and chilled person, though there were times he could get nervous. He was an interesting bloke. Then again, the reason he sat with him today was to have him as a partner for their herbology project. Their professor had told them they would be discussing it today. Other than himself, Erwin was at the top of the class in Herbology. What better than having the two top students of the class in a group- a guaranteed Outstanding.

The chattering of the class stopped as the door was opened, revealing their professor, Professor Mullein. The man stood tall at the door, his robes flowing in the air as he strode towards his desk, a book under his arm, "Good morning Hufflepuff and Slytherins! A pleasant morning it is, is it not?"

"Morning, professor, I have a question. Are we allowed to choose our partners for the project assignment?" a Hufflepuff asked, leaning forward and waiting for an answer.

"No, no. Not at all. That will be chosen at random! Any other questions? I did mention you could ask all your questions in this class, didn't I?" the man spoke. He sat on the edge of his cluttered desk. There were a few whispers and groans at that prospect. They couldn't choose their partners.

Most of the class had sat with people who they had wished to partner with, but it seemed it was all in vain. Polaris himself was upset. He rather chooses than have it be selected for him. Who was to say he wouldn't get someone who wouldn't try? Perhaps it would be for the best. He could just do it himself, though it would be more work than needed.

A Slytherin raised their hand. It was Corvus. "Yes, Mr Avery?"

"Right, Professor, how many will be in a group?" Corvus asked, "Yes, good question. I was planning on two a group, but there seems to be an odd number, so I have decided there will be three in a group."

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